Friday, May 22, 2020
American Culture And The Culture - 873 Words
Although I always entertain the idea of Charles the Great, a king of the Franks that, â€Å"To have another language is to possess a second soul,†deep down I know language is a part of the culture. If I do not understand the culture attached to it, I may never get the real insight of the language I speak. That is why more than three months ago, I registered for a course called â€Å"American Studies†with an objective to gain a deeper perspective of the culture I am living in. Interestingly, during the coursework, I gain more than just a general concept about American culture. To me, American culture is a combination of many contradictions. Although I always try to be as skeptical as possible, there are times I cannot escape from both perspectives and stereotypes when interpreting this culture. My attempt to study American culture both through literature and popular approach such as music, movies, TV shows, magazines is more than just a preparation to adapt, but a personal interest. However, no matter how I have acquired the wide and updated knowledge about American culture, I may not get the â€Å"real sense of America.†For instance, it struck me a couple day ago when I heard that Prince passed away. I read about him, I know how he influences American society, I know why he is considered as an American icon, but I cannot gain the same feeling about his death as American people do. The other time happened when the topic in class was about advertising. Although I watched tons of AmericanShow MoreRelatedCulture : The American Culture1014 Words  |à ‚ 5 PagesCulture cannot be defined because it is completely unique to the individual. Culture is something that we choose to create which helps identify ourselves as a person. Throughout the world there are many different cultures. Culture can can be based on things such as language, religion, and tradition or customs that we were raised in. Culture allows for groups of people to come together with similar interests and backgrounds to come share one common ground. Culture is everywhere we look and is in ourRead MoreThe Culture Of American Culture1414 Words  | 6 PagesAmerican culture is portrayed as that of every other countries traditions, rituals, and cultures. As Americans, do we know our culture to be as anything other than that of a melting pot? That being said, is it ok to say for us to say,†I can take your culture because it’s meant to be shared anyway. Most of us have lived here our entire lives and it’s what we have grown accustomed to. Can we spea k on anyone else’s behalf? I can. Even though I am American by birth, my blood is Mexican. I may not faceRead MoreAmerican Culture And Business Culture1719 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction This report consists of the issues on whether it can or cannot be argued that culture shapes the way business is done in a country. The country that is focused in this report is America. It also discusses on the major distinguishing features of American culture and business culture in comparison to current Australian culture. The impact that culture has on business performance is also taken into consideration and how this affects the performance of the staff members and their work.Read MoreA Comparison Of American Culture With The Culture1344 Words  | 6 PagesA Comparison of American Culture with the Culture of the Kung People in Kalahari Desert in South Africa Culture is defined as the way of life that a particular group of people practice because such practices determine vast aspects of their lives. Culture is fostered by social and environmental aspects. Thus, different people in the world respond to their surrounding environment in vast ways and such responses inflict the cultural aspects. The most amazing fact about culture is that everyone in theRead MoreNative American Culture And Culture Essay2065 Words  | 9 Pagescomprehend enough of their own culture identity? Every culture has their own identity. We all have the same human race. However, for me, even though USA is one of the biggest countries in the world, it’s hard to believe USA is a multicultural country, which has many people who came from overseas to the US to represent their own culture in there. There are Native American culture, Mexican culture, Chinese culture, Korean culture etc. and there is no way to count all the cultures which exist in the US becauseRead MoreHispanic Culture And The American Culture1313 Words  | 6 Pagesspeak English well. Hispanics are, persons of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American descent, other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race. Too often the assumption is made that Spanish-speakers are unamerican, lazy, receive low income, or are uneducated in any way. Hispanics are also demonized in the media as people who are stealing American jobs. That is the belief that some Americans associate with Hispanics. There is a saying foreigners use that goes â€Å"If you speak three languagesRead MoreAmerican Culture And Hispanic Culture796 Words  | 4 PagesFor example I would classify the ability to speak Spanish and English as the most important privileges to have in this country and time. Having the access to both of these languages creates the ability to cross cultures whenever I want. Those being the American culture and Hispanic culture. If I want to learn a new language I would have an advantage due to how much these languages overlap with other languages. One can fly across the world, knowing only English or Spanish and one is highly guaranteedRead MoreAmerican Culture1480 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Americanization Culture influences different aspects of an individual’s identity. In its purposefulness, it creates a feeling of belonging and a shared lifestyle among people, while it divides the world into communities of common customs, values, religion, practices, and law.1 American culture can be seen as more diverse and complex; however, people manage to find common ground through music, art, fashion, science, technology, worldviewsRead MoreAmerican Culture747 Words  | 3 Pagesacknowledged to be among the top 3 in the world; so, what kind of American spirit has shaped the United States? The prevailing view in academia is that the unique culture of the United States has laid the ideological foundation for the strength of the country; a country with only 200 years history has now become a super-power, I think that its because the ideology and culture of the United States has a strong impetus to all this. Early American Puritans believe in the religious thought has obvious rationaleRead MoreAsian Cultures And American Cultures Essay2460 Words  | 10 Pagesbackgrounds, and cultures. Cultures are very unique as they are different from country to country. Some adopt cultures that society accepts as the norm, while others adopt different types of cultures; cultures that not many people, especially those outside of the country, can see eye to eye and would sometimes find them rather ‘extreme’. When comparing Asian cultures and American cultures side by side, we can easily identify the many differences between the two. For one, Asian cultures are less open
Friday, May 8, 2020
Prison Was A Serious Punishment For Crime - 1598 Words
Prisons were virtually non-existent before the 1700’s because prison was not considered a serious punishment for crime. Instead, the government imprisoned those who were awaiting trial where they would receive a more appropriate punishment. Many punishments at the time included branding, extreme fines, whipping, and the death penalty or capital punishment. Most offenders when caught, received their punishment in public. This was done to try and discourage criminal activity and falls under the theory of deterrence. It is difficult to pin an exact date on when the general beginning of imprisonment as punishment for crime was started. However, it is known that at the beginning of the eighteenth century imprisonment was unusual except when applied to religious or political offenders. The eighteenth century was the time of transition from corporal punishment to imprisonment and although the most rapid time of change was after 1775, the general movement was in progress throughout the entire period. Early prisons were not what they are today. They were dark, dirty, overcrowded, and unhygienic. There was no separation for prisoners when they were locked up so this meant that men, women and children, plus dangerous criminals, debtors and the clinically insane could all be together. British reformer John Howard toured Europe to observe prison conditions. His book, the State of the Prisons in England and Wales, influenced the passage of a law that led to the construction of the firstShow MoreRelatedCrime Is A Crime And Crime999 Words  | 4 Pagescommits a crime, the immediate response from the public is that they deserve a punishment for their crime. Some of the crimes that offenders act upon range on the spectrum: from a minor crime to a major crime. When an offender commit a minor crime it is known as a misdemeanor and the punishment consists of a year or less in county jail. However, for a serious major crime, offenders are charged with a felony which includes a punishment o f a year or more in prison. Additionally, the lowest crime is anRead MoreCapital Punishment Is Cruel And Unusual1092 Words  | 5 Pagespeople believe that capital punishment is cruel and unusual. It is the only punishment that can truly compensate the loss of a loved one. In recent years, the rate of serious crimes has increased. The increase of crime is the result of less effective punishment. Dating back to early civilizations, capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, was viewed as an effective punishment. Yet today’s society it is viewed as cruel and inhumane. I believe that capital punishment should be executed moreRead More Capital Punishment: The Best Solution Essay703 Words  | 3 Pagesharm to any individual. Capital punishment is not always the most appropriate solution, but given the circumstances, it may be the most effective way to deal with criminals who threaten society. First of all, capital punishment would reduce taxes and makes prisons a much more effective place to hold criminals. This causes life imprisonment to become practically obsolete and prisons will be capable of functioning as a rehabilitation center. (the purpose of prison is to separate the criminals fromRead MoreShould The United States Allowed The Death Penalty?962 Words  | 4 Pagesin the United States being overcrowded with convicts with serious crimes, and doing life without parole. I start to wonder what the impact would be if the United States allowed the death penalty to be used in all fifty states? First, I needed to view into other countries and examine why they still allow to have capital punishment in their country. Out of 196 countries in the world only 58 of those countries still embrace capital punishment. China is at the top of the list that carries out the highestRead MoreDeath Of The 19th Century947 Words  | 4 PagesPentridge Prison, built in the 1850 in the north of Melbourne, housed Victoria’s most infamous criminals, which included; Russell Street Bomber Craig Minogue, 1920’s gangster Squizzy Taylor, Hoddle Street gunman Julian Knight and Mark ‘Chopper’ Reid. Pentridge Prisons history emphasizes the changes in crime, offending and punishment over its period of operation. By the end of the 20th century, Australia was less violent in comparison to the end of the 18th and 19th centuries. Crimes that haveRead MoreThe Sentencing Phase Of A Criminal Case902 Words  | 4 Pagespleads guilty, a judge will then decide a suitable punishment (or sentence) during the sentencing phase of a criminal case. There are varying outcomes that can influence sentencing offenders, they can range from probation and community service to prison and even the death penalty. Minor infractions, misdemeanors, or offenders who plead guilty usually get sentenced almost immediately after ones convictions. In complex criminal cases such as serious felonies, the sentencing judge will usually receiveRead MoreImagine Having A Criminal, Who Has Escaped From Multiple1663 Words  | 7 Pageshaving a criminal, who has escaped from multiple prisons; the system cannot contain him. He has been charged with multiple crimes, including murder. He is very powerful and has lots of money. Wh at should happen to this extremely dangerous criminal when he is caught again? This is where capital punishment would come into play. Some people say the capital punishment should not be banned in any U. S. state and many people say capital punishment should be federally banned. However, both sides wouldRead MoreThe Purposes of Sentencing Essay examples988 Words  | 4 Pagesoldest justifications for punishment involves the principles of retribution. Retribution (1900-1905) refers to an idea that offenders should be punished for committing a crime, but would not punish someone who was forced to commit a cri-me, i.e. duress. It can be sometimes be viewed as a ‘revenge’ or ‘an eye for an eye‘. It is based on the principle of â€Å"let the punishment fit the crime†. This aim does not reducing crime or changing the offenders future behaviour. Punishment is provided through imprisonmentRead Morepunishment for petty crimes1650 Words  | 7 Page s Type of essay: Text based Text used: â€Å"Her Majesty’s Prison†by Christian Pratt Stripped, probed, re-dressed and endowed with the status of convict.†Is this what you would want to endure for a simple traffic violation of no seat belt, running a red light or dark tinted windows? Or would you prefer a traffic school session or two, picking up garbage on a Saturday morning or paying a fine? I would gladly prefer the latter. The prison has a â€Å"revolving door†as if welcoming persons to come againRead MoreDeath Penalty Is Cruel And Unusual Punishment1706 Words  | 7 PagesThe legal executions first started in California when it was under the Practices Act in 1851. Then in February 14th 1872 it was put in the Penal Code. Capital punish in counties continued until an amendment by the legislature in 1891 said that it could only happen in the State Prisons picked by the court. The first state execution in California happens on March 3rd 1893 at San Quentin and the first one in Folsom was on December 13th 1895. In the 1937’s the legislature d ecided that instead of hanging
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Lifespan Development and Personality Free Essays
Oprah Winfrey’s development as an individual has a very unique and interesting perspective in terms of Psychological development. Ms. Winfrey is a product of an â€Å"accidental conception†by her parents. We will write a custom essay sample on Lifespan Development and Personality or any similar topic only for you Order Now Her mother was a house maid and her father was a coil miner. At the age of 6 and 14, she was raped and sexually molested by her uncle and cousin. Her mother was often not around to help her and guide her. Ironically, even though she was having a hard time at home, she still excelled in school and had scholarship to support her education. As a growing child, she was used to poverty and hardships. After the incident of sexual molestations, she was forced to live with her dad. During these times, Oprah was helped by her dad to focus on her studies. At an age of 18 she won the Miss Black Tennessee Beauty pageant and then later on was given a job at a local radio station. Her exposure to media later evolved as she aspired to become a prominent figure in American Television years later. The forces that made big differences in her life are her childhood experiences and family as well as her experiences in her late adolescent years. The mixture of her bad memories and her successful life can be accounted on how she managed the anxieties and problems in which she might have encountered in the process of her maturity as a person. Oprah can be said to have a bad environment growing up. The way of life she lived in the poverty stricken places she grew up on might had opened her eyes on the realities of life even on a tender age. She was not nurtured well also because her mother was irresponsible. Her father helped her to focus on her studies in her adolescent years but still had missed out a lot of important years in the childhood days. Fortunately, she overcame all adversities with her innate ability to be diligent in her goals. Even though she underwent a depressing phase in her childhood, she was also compensated later on by good education and support from her father. Emotionally, she might have chosen to become depressed and angry at life. In fact, she showed signs of rebellion at age 14 when she got regnant but eventually lost her baby. You can see the transition of her life as she was guided by her father. She became more focus and determined in life. There was less hostility in her environment as she entered the late adolescent and it helped her to become the person she is today. Today Oprah is known to be the good moral type of person. She is a philanthropist and helps the needy people in America as well as other parts of the globe. Her view of morality can be traced back to how she saw the injustices in her society in her childhood. The oppression of black people, the life her parents lived, and the way her classmates made fun of her due to her poverty opened her eyes on what’s right and wrong. Her ability today to empathize and sympathize is really a product of her first hand experience with the good and bad experiences her had. Going back to her moral and emotional development, I want to focus more on the negative experiences she had in her childhood. We can see that Oprah went through a lot in her childhood. In Erik Erikson’s theory of development, she was at around stage three when her sexual molestation experiences happened. This stage is important since this is a stage where a crisis in a person’s development happens (initiative-guilt). The fact that family plays the biggest role in this stage makes her more vulnerable to level on more guilt than initiative. Instead of helping her feel purposeful and learn new skills, her family at that time mistreated her. In her next stage of development (industry and inferiority), she might had leveled on more inferiority than industry. This is where she was having troubles in school and starting to rebel on her family. She might have a sense of â€Å"inertia†or inferiority complex due to the fact that she had not strong support system in her family. When â€Å"inertia†happens, the child usually avoids doing something she was not able or failed to do properly (Boeree, 1997). In Oprah’s situation she might had given up on building good relationship with her family. Fortunately she was able to over come it as time went on and she stayed with her father. As she progress on to the stage five (ego-identity and role confusion crisis), she looked like she was successful in balancing out the crisis due to the fact her father offered social support for her and she was excelling in her studies. This might had giver her good amount of confidence to share herself to others and to be comfortable to be oneself. Her excellence in school and constant exposure to media might led her to develop a good social support system. Together with her father’s guidance, she had a healthy support system that helped her achieve many goals in her life. A good social support system of friends and family is vital in everyone’s growth and security in life. After a turbulent childhood, she was able to find good connection to the world by her achievement. Later on in her life, she was one of the most powerful women in television and Hollywood. She helped people who needed help. She influenced politics. President Bill Clinton even singed an â€Å"Oprah bill†for the creations of a database of child abusers. She opened schools for people who can’t afford to go school. She directed her passion of helping other children and victims of catastrophe. She is said to be one of the most credible and influential Americans in history. Two theories of personality best apply for Ms. Winfrey. Abraham Maslow’s theory of heirrachy of needs can help us understand how Oprah’s traits and actions develop through her career and as a person. In her childhood, she was stuck on surviving on the first level of needs (physiological needs). As she grew older, she was given more and more support by her father, colleagues and friends. She was able to climb up the hierarchy of needs. By the time she was in her 20’s, she had already fulfilled the safety, belonging and esteem part of the hierarchy of needs. Today, she is seen to help others and use her past dispute in life as her tool to help and change other people’s lives. She is on a level in which she is self-actualizing and reaching out to help other since she had already fulfilled her own needs. Being in this self-actualization state, people who reached this usually has the continuous desire to fulfill his potential to become more and more of what you want (Boeree, 1997). In connection to this theory, Viktor Frankl’s theory of transcendence is a good approach in her case. Ms. Winfrey’s painful past could have destroyed her internally and made her a depressed person throughout life but instead she was able to transcend her experience to something useful to the world. She channeled her pain and suffering to counseling others in her show. She gave moral support to women who were abused and children who were in the same situation as her. In comparing the two theories, Viktor Frankl stated that self-actualization is the side-effect of transcendence. In conclusion, the theory of transcendence of Frankl best accounts her behavior. Oprah’s actions and behaviors towards finding meaning in her life and helping others can be seen more of a spiritual and self less acts rather than Maslow’s theory in which people satisfy their own self-actualization needs thus resulting to helping others. Oprah over came a lot of adversities and trial in life and was able to overcome many â€Å"noogenic anxiety†that might have come in her way. She can be said to have found meaning in what she does today. She transforms her life’s experiences and lessons to something for the betterment of others. References Boeree, C. (1997). Retrieved on 24 April 2008 from Boeree, C. (1997). Retrieved on 24 April 2008 from Boeree, C. (1997). Retrieved on 24 April 2008 from Boeree, C. (1997). Retrieved on 24 April 2008 from Dinh, M. Murphy, J. (2008). Retrived on 24 April 2008 from Unknown. (2008). REtrived on 24 April 2008 from How to cite Lifespan Development and Personality, Essay examples
Lifespan Development and Personality Free Essays
Oprah Winfrey’s development as an individual has a very unique and interesting perspective in terms of Psychological development. Ms. Winfrey is a product of an â€Å"accidental conception†by her parents. We will write a custom essay sample on Lifespan Development and Personality or any similar topic only for you Order Now Her mother was a house maid and her father was a coil miner. At the age of 6 and 14, she was raped and sexually molested by her uncle and cousin. Her mother was often not around to help her and guide her. Ironically, even though she was having a hard time at home, she still excelled in school and had scholarship to support her education. As a growing child, she was used to poverty and hardships. After the incident of sexual molestations, she was forced to live with her dad. During these times, Oprah was helped by her dad to focus on her studies. At an age of 18 she won the Miss Black Tennessee Beauty pageant and then later on was given a job at a local radio station. Her exposure to media later evolved as she aspired to become a prominent figure in American Television years later. The forces that made big differences in her life are her childhood experiences and family as well as her experiences in her late adolescent years. The mixture of her bad memories and her successful life can be accounted on how she managed the anxieties and problems in which she might have encountered in the process of her maturity as a person. Oprah can be said to have a bad environment growing up. The way of life she lived in the poverty stricken places she grew up on might had opened her eyes on the realities of life even on a tender age. She was not nurtured well also because her mother was irresponsible. Her father helped her to focus on her studies in her adolescent years but still had missed out a lot of important years in the childhood days. Fortunately, she overcame all adversities with her innate ability to be diligent in her goals. Even though she underwent a depressing phase in her childhood, she was also compensated later on by good education and support from her father. Emotionally, she might have chosen to become depressed and angry at life. In fact, she showed signs of rebellion at age 14 when she got regnant but eventually lost her baby. You can see the transition of her life as she was guided by her father. She became more focus and determined in life. There was less hostility in her environment as she entered the late adolescent and it helped her to become the person she is today. Today Oprah is known to be the good moral type of person. She is a philanthropist and helps the needy people in America as well as other parts of the globe. Her view of morality can be traced back to how she saw the injustices in her society in her childhood. The oppression of black people, the life her parents lived, and the way her classmates made fun of her due to her poverty opened her eyes on what’s right and wrong. Her ability today to empathize and sympathize is really a product of her first hand experience with the good and bad experiences her had. Going back to her moral and emotional development, I want to focus more on the negative experiences she had in her childhood. We can see that Oprah went through a lot in her childhood. In Erik Erikson’s theory of development, she was at around stage three when her sexual molestation experiences happened. This stage is important since this is a stage where a crisis in a person’s development happens (initiative-guilt). The fact that family plays the biggest role in this stage makes her more vulnerable to level on more guilt than initiative. Instead of helping her feel purposeful and learn new skills, her family at that time mistreated her. In her next stage of development (industry and inferiority), she might had leveled on more inferiority than industry. This is where she was having troubles in school and starting to rebel on her family. She might have a sense of â€Å"inertia†or inferiority complex due to the fact that she had not strong support system in her family. When â€Å"inertia†happens, the child usually avoids doing something she was not able or failed to do properly (Boeree, 1997). In Oprah’s situation she might had given up on building good relationship with her family. Fortunately she was able to over come it as time went on and she stayed with her father. As she progress on to the stage five (ego-identity and role confusion crisis), she looked like she was successful in balancing out the crisis due to the fact her father offered social support for her and she was excelling in her studies. This might had giver her good amount of confidence to share herself to others and to be comfortable to be oneself. Her excellence in school and constant exposure to media might led her to develop a good social support system. Together with her father’s guidance, she had a healthy support system that helped her achieve many goals in her life. A good social support system of friends and family is vital in everyone’s growth and security in life. After a turbulent childhood, she was able to find good connection to the world by her achievement. Later on in her life, she was one of the most powerful women in television and Hollywood. She helped people who needed help. She influenced politics. President Bill Clinton even singed an â€Å"Oprah bill†for the creations of a database of child abusers. She opened schools for people who can’t afford to go school. She directed her passion of helping other children and victims of catastrophe. She is said to be one of the most credible and influential Americans in history. Two theories of personality best apply for Ms. Winfrey. Abraham Maslow’s theory of heirrachy of needs can help us understand how Oprah’s traits and actions develop through her career and as a person. In her childhood, she was stuck on surviving on the first level of needs (physiological needs). As she grew older, she was given more and more support by her father, colleagues and friends. She was able to climb up the hierarchy of needs. By the time she was in her 20’s, she had already fulfilled the safety, belonging and esteem part of the hierarchy of needs. Today, she is seen to help others and use her past dispute in life as her tool to help and change other people’s lives. She is on a level in which she is self-actualizing and reaching out to help other since she had already fulfilled her own needs. Being in this self-actualization state, people who reached this usually has the continuous desire to fulfill his potential to become more and more of what you want (Boeree, 1997). In connection to this theory, Viktor Frankl’s theory of transcendence is a good approach in her case. Ms. Winfrey’s painful past could have destroyed her internally and made her a depressed person throughout life but instead she was able to transcend her experience to something useful to the world. She channeled her pain and suffering to counseling others in her show. She gave moral support to women who were abused and children who were in the same situation as her. In comparing the two theories, Viktor Frankl stated that self-actualization is the side-effect of transcendence. In conclusion, the theory of transcendence of Frankl best accounts her behavior. Oprah’s actions and behaviors towards finding meaning in her life and helping others can be seen more of a spiritual and self less acts rather than Maslow’s theory in which people satisfy their own self-actualization needs thus resulting to helping others. Oprah over came a lot of adversities and trial in life and was able to overcome many â€Å"noogenic anxiety†that might have come in her way. She can be said to have found meaning in what she does today. She transforms her life’s experiences and lessons to something for the betterment of others. References Boeree, C. (1997). Retrieved on 24 April 2008 from Boeree, C. (1997). Retrieved on 24 April 2008 from Boeree, C. (1997). Retrieved on 24 April 2008 from Boeree, C. (1997). Retrieved on 24 April 2008 from Dinh, M. Murphy, J. (2008). Retrived on 24 April 2008 from Unknown. (2008). REtrived on 24 April 2008 from How to cite Lifespan Development and Personality, Essay examples
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