Monday, August 24, 2020
Make Prostitution Legal Essays - Feminism, Human Sexuality
Make Prostitution Legal Prostitution Theory 101 by Yvonne Abraham with Sarah McNaught Barely any things have partitioned women's activists as much as the sex business. Scholars who concede to a tremendous area of issues - monetary correspondence, certifiable activity, even sexual freedom - regularly wind up harshly restricted over sex entertainment and prostitution. Most nineteenth century women's activists restricted prostitution and thought about whores to be casualties of male misuse. Be that as it may, similarly as the suffragette and moderation developments were bound together when the new century rolled over, so too were women's activist and contemporary good issues with prostitution. Ladies, the contention went, were stores of good prudence, and prostitution corrupted their immaculateness: the offer of sex was, similar to liquor, both reason what's more, manifestation of the debauchery into which society had sunk. By the 1960s and '70s, when Betty Friedan and Germaine Greer affirmed that sexual freedom was necessary to ladies' freedom, women's activists were hesitant to restrict prostitution on moral grounds. Customary ethical quality, Greer contended, had assisted with subduing ladies explicitly, had made their needs auxiliary to men's. That sexual subjection aggravated ladies' monetary and political subjection. Today, a few women's activists consider snaring to be a type of sexual subjection; others, as a course to sexual self-assurance. Also, in the middle of are the individuals who see prostitution as a type of work that, similar to it or not, is digging in for the long haul. Radical women's activists, for example, legal counselor Catharine MacKinnon and antipornography scholar Andrea Dworkin restrict sex work in any structure. They contend that it abuses ladies and fortifies their status as sexual objects, fixing huge numbers of the increases ladies have made over the previous century. Others identify in this disposition a strain of neo-Victorianism, a deigning conviction that whores don't have the foggiest idea what they're doing and need someone with more instruction to secure them. A few ladies, these dissidents point out, really pick the calling. Women's activists who question the antiprostitution radicals additionally call attention to that Dworkin and MacKinnon some of the time sound shockingly like their enemies on the strict right. Phyllis Schlafly, a raging family-values crusader, has even refered to Dworkin in her antipornography special materials. This sort of thing has not improved the radicals' picture among women's activists. At the other extraordinary from Dworkin and MacKinnon are sex-radical women's activists like Susie Bright and Pat Califia. They contend that sex work can be something to be thankful for: an intense type of freedom for ladies, a route for some to take control of their lives. The issue there, however, is that the life of a prostitute is frequently more Leaving Las Vegas than Pretty Woman (see Pop Tarts). Numerous women's activists fall some place in the middle of the rad-fem and sex-radical posts. Wendy Chapkis, educator of human science and ladies' investigations at the College of Southern Maine and the creator of the Live Sex Acts: Women Performing Erotic Labor (Routledge, 1997), is one of them. For a long time, Chapkis contemplated prostitution in California and the Netherlands, just as in England and Finland, and directed meetings with 50 sex laborers. Chapkis says she considers the to be for what it's worth: a large number of her meetings affirmed a lot of the offensiveness that extreme women's activists detest, just as the strengthening that sex radicals see. I don't think prostitution is a definitive in ladies' freedom, she says. Be that as it may, I believe it's preferred comprehended as work over as unavoidably a type of sexual savagery. What whores need, she contends, isn't a lot of toadies looking down on them, yet better than average working conditions. Chapkis accepts prostitution ought to be decriminalized. Because it can be lousy work doesn't mean it ought to be gotten rid of, she contends. All things considered, she says, there are loads of employments in which ladies are come up short on, overlooked, and abused. Condemning the calling just worsens whores' issues by segregating them from the law and leaving them helpless against oppressive pimps and johns. In a calling where ladies customarily are not rewarded well, aren't enabled, and ought to have the option to go to the police for insurance and help, she says, we make the police an additional snag, another danger. In the Netherlands, conversely, where prostitution is decriminalized, police furthermore, whores are on a similar side: hookers talk at police foundations to teach the officials about their work, and Chapkis says the correspondence pays off in more secure working conditions for the ladies. In any case, what of the extreme women's activists' case that prostitution is excessively male centric to be endured? Chapkis calls attention to that numerous things in present day life started as male centric establishments - marriage, for instance. Issues inside marriage, she says, can be tended to without falling back on abrogation: nowadays, conjugal property is conveyed all the more reasonably, and manhandled spouses have spots to go for help. Indeed, even Catharine MacKinnon
Saturday, August 22, 2020
African-American Civil Rights in the Years 1950 to 1962 Essay Example for Free
African-American Civil Rights in the Years 1950 to 1962 Essay Clarify how far the perspectives in Source B contrast from those in Source An according to President Eisenhower and the integration of training. The two sources delineate Eisenhower’s negative supposition on integration in schools. Both reprimand and depict Eisenhower’s narrow mindedness of dark individuals as Source states Eisenhower’s remark that white individuals ‘ are worried about is that their sweet young ladies are not required to sit in school close by some enormous congested Negroes’ . Eisenhower’s ‘sympathises’; the south as he begins there himself, the bigotry could be viewed as a feature of the South’s culture and conduct to be narrow minded of the dark individuals, it is questionable this affected Eisenhower’s political judgment . The way that Eisenhower originated from military foundation in the wake of going through 44 years of his life in administration, would have affected his choices and assessments on integration as military camps were isolated and Eisenhower would have been use to this framework. He by and by agues from the South’s perspective in Source B, ‘I don’t trust you can change the hearts of men with laws and decisions’ this indeed underpins the point I made previously. Proof of his narrow mindedness was lamenting designating Earl Warren as head of equity ‘the greatest damn simpleton botch I ever made’ he clearly was very against the choice and never needed integration. The similitudes proceed as the two sources shows the hesitance of helping the dark individuals through integration. Source A remarks that he didn’t show a reasonable help for the Supreme Court choice to integrate schools, ‘his quiet energized enormous resistance’. His political and sincere beliefs were slamming into one another creation his activities constrained. Source B shows verification of his hesitance additionally as it expressed three years after the fact he at last ensures the little stone 9 with a government armed force in 1957. This was the first run through Eisenhower demonstrated help of isolation be that as it may; it was a ‘weak act’ from Eisenhower. It could be conceivable that he felt that it was his examination as the president not himself supporting social equality for the dark individuals. Nonetheless, the sources do vary in the way that source B expresses a progressively positive view on Eisenhower even idea it was considered ‘weak’. As effectively expressed Eisenhower While in administration didn't effectively bolster integration and had qualms about the Brown choice, he comprehended his protected duty to maintain the government authority and the law. Eisenhower requested government troops to monitor and Little Rock and ensure dark understudies as they strolled to class. He in this manner turned into the main president since Reconstruction to utilize government troops to secure the privileges of African Americans. As Source A’s tone is adverse as it cites prejudiced perspectives on the African Americans, it suggests that Eisenhower is very against African Americans being a piece of a ‘white society’ this diverge from the little stone 9 as he helps the dark individuals into the school, after his remarks it would been probably not going to support the dark individuals however he does. To close: source An and B are fundamentally the same as the two of them voice the prejudice and his absence of help Eisenhower provided for the African-Americans. I concur with the source as from my own insight he was very against social liberties as a result of his Sothern impact. His perspectives on integration was straightforward from his activities and that’s what source and B represent (12 Marks) (B) Use Source A, B and C and your own insight. How significant was the Supreme Court in the advancement of African-American social equality in the years 1950 to 1962? The Supreme Court is the most elevated government court in the US, comprising of nine judges and taking legal priority over every other court in the country. The Supreme Court would have profited each African-American with their choices of passing and lifting laws on the off chance that they prevailing with regards to winning their cases. It permitted them to have legitimate rights with in the nation and lawfully be equivalent to the white individuals. Notwithstanding, the confidence of the African Americans was low because of the narrow mindedness of the white individuals hence figures, for example, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and backing of political figures, for example, Kennedy permitted them to be bold and a feeling of pride in picking up balance. Accordingly, the Supreme Court could be viewed as less significant than different figures and factors that happened somewhere in the range of 1950 and 1962. Source An and B examine the Brown versus Topeka’s Board of Education decision in 1954. The Supreme Court passed the law of integrated schools by the head of Justice Earl Warren. He was condemned for his choice, for example, President Eisenhower, who had imparted his inconvenience to Warren by expressing that is was the ‘biggest damn numb-skull botch he ever made’. The quiet of Eisenhower’s support on integration caused monstrous opposition alongside the circuitous cutoff time for when integration is to initiate. Subsequently, Brown 2 out of 1955 was the endeavor to get a more clear cutoff time than previously. Be that as it may, disappointingly the decision was ‘with all intentional speed’ it was as yet ambiguous and delayed the sit tight for integration. The Supremes’ job in this specific circumstance helped social liberties as it proclaimed greater fairness inside America anyway went to an impediment as it become a clash of when it wil l occur. The choice additionally brought about additional issues for the African-Americans as meager Rock followed the high court’s laws and chose to integrate there all white school. The NAACP submitted nine understudies initially to join the school and step by step get more and settled them gradually. In any case, it wasn’t that just as the 9 understudies went to enter their school they was obnoxiously manhandled and tormented by the white southerners, Eisenhower needed to submit government help to help them into school , this is expressed in source B as it had taken 3 years to show any help from Eisenhower and the south to at long last acknowledge integration . Eisenhower’s government inclusion was then turned into the primary president since Reconstruction to utilize administrative soldiers to secure the privileges of African Americans. In any case, since Brown versus instruction Source C expresses that McLaurin versus Oklahoma decides that colleges also need to adhere to the integration law and that you ‘could not give diverse treatment to an understudy exclusively in light of his/her race’. This demonstrates the Supreme Court was encouraging African American rights through all degrees of instruction making them equivalent and taught. This is another impact the Supreme Court had over grand changes for the African Americans and the general public around them. Notwithstanding, it is doubtful that the Supreme Court just helped the figures and occasions that hugely changed social liberties for the African Americans. Occasions, for example, the Montgomery Bus blacklist in 1956 were a political and social dissent. after the capture of Rosa parks African Americans were prepared to make a move and recapture some uniformity and raise the issue of the fact that it is so off-base to make a ‘tired, old lady’ to move, regardless of whether it wasn’t totally obvious. The blacklist was driven by the gathering the MIA (Montgomery Improvement Association) Saturday third December the dark network bolstered each other as many individuals stayed away from the transports and needed to take rides with others in the network, despite the fact that it was troublesome the supporters of the reason eagerly consented to proceed with the blacklist until there was equity. The accomplishment of the dark individuals boycotting prompted financial pressure were the issue of isolation would be finished. The way that one occasion, urge African Americans to represent their privileges impacted and revealed the most persuasive figures in common right history and picked up equity from their endeavors. This is rehashed the 1960 in the Greensboro sit-in’s when African Americans won't move to from their seats in the Woolworths store. Their numbers expanded in help and was viewed by the world; even Eisenhower voiced his suppositions on the issue. These peaceful fights permitted dark individuals to turn into a piece of changing their future and not depending on legal disputes and people to get them there. Ostensibly despite the fact that they increased extraordinary achievement the dark individuals didn’t have any legitimate hang on integrating the transport framework, hence the Browder versus Gayle case. The Supreme Court maintained the region court’s choice in making bus’s integrated. Without the affirmation from the Supreme Court all the dark people’s endeavors would have come about to nothing without the affirmation of the Supreme Court. Rosa parks is found in our advanced history as a motivational social liberties pioneer. Her story affected a huge number of African Americans to blacklist transports and increase uniformity. Be that as it may, her picture of being a ‘hard working, old, delicate women’ who needed to rest her feet in the wake of a monotonous day isn’t valid by any means. She had been a functioning nonconformist and NAACP part for a considerable length of time and likely arranged this dissent to pick up exposure and change. Because of her dissent Martin Luther King was seen as a social liberties figure, he had been viewed from everywhere throughout the world and from that point on observed as the main social liberties pioneer. His endeavors in the SCLC made in 1957 after the Montgomery transport blacklist, helped the southern African Americans who experienced incredible narrow mindedness . Be that as it may, by and by their endeavors added up to accomplishing the sanctioning of fairness, without the Supreme Court every one of their endeavors went to nothing. To close: despite the fact that Martin Luther King is viewed as the friend in need of the African Americans in picking up fairness
Saturday, July 25, 2020
7 Essential Elements to Consider When Writing an International Executive Resume
7 Essential Elements to Consider When Writing an International Executive Resume I had the privilege last Friday of listening to a webinar led by Tim Windhof, an international executive resume/CV writer. Tim explained many of the challenges U.S. and Canadian writers can face when writing these job search documents for an international audience, and how to address those challenges. To write this article, I also leaned on Sandra Ingemansen’s helpful articles posted on on international CV writing. For simplicity’s sake, let’s say for the purposes of this article that “CV†is just a European term for “resume.†Don’t worry for now about the academic or scientific CV you might be familiar with in the United States, which might contain a long list of honors, publications, patents, etc. Where should I start when writing an international executive resume? Let’s start with some good news: The basic purpose of a resume or CV is the same everywhere â€" to sell yourself as a great candidate for the position by highlighting your talents and accomplishments. And the basic elements of an international executive resume are the same no matter where you are. You’ll always have an Experience section, most often in chronological order, and an Education section. Almost all resumes will begin with a Summary section, though as a caveat, I’ve seen many legal professionals who prefer to skip that section. In a multi-cultural world, you could live in one country and want to apply to positions in several others, or in global companies with an American presence. With all these combinations and permutations, you might be called to write a carefully considered “hybrid†resumes, and you might need an expert to advise you on the best approach. Here are 7 main points to consider if you are applying to a position in a country other than the United States and Canada: 1. Do your research! There is not one binding “international†resume standard. You can’t safely make any assumptions about what will be appropriate for any given country. For instance, in some countries, such as Germany, a photo, as well as personal details like marital status, number of children, country of citizenship, and birthday, are standard. These details might be included on a cover page. In other countries, including the UK, these personal details should be left out. In Germany there are some very specific requirements for submitting a job application that often comprise 20+ pages of material. And standards are changing rapidly! So make sure you’re up to date before you submit an application. Formats vary between countries, too, trending simpler, with more white space, in countries outside the U.S. The A4 page format is also generally accepted in most non-U.S. countries. CVs tend to be longer than 2 pages in other countries as well, so you don’t need to focus as hard on shortening your resume to 2 pages. In Europe, dates are usually listed down the left-hand column, a practice that is being moved away from in the United States. I repeat: Do your research! Find out what will be accepted, and respected, in the country where you want a job, and follow that standard. 2. C-A-R (Challenge â€" Action â€" Results) stories work no matter where you are in the world. But be careful how you write them. While bullets with stories of your executive accomplishments are desirable regardless of country, they should include less detail in other parts of the world than they do in the United States and Canada. This is in part due to confidentiality and non-disclosure regulations, and in part due to cultural differences. Be especially careful not to violate any regulations when sharing specific numbers (dollar amounts and other metrics) in a resume! Furthermore, on international resumes, “braggy†verbs like “Propelled,†“Championed,†and “Rocketed†work well in the U.S., but would likely be offensive to a reader in Asia or even some areas in Europe. In some countries, you might need to start bullets with nouns instead of verbs, which is also a way to avoid being “braggy†about your accomplishments. When writing an international executive resume, be sure to emphasize your cross-cultural skills as you share your accomplishments. You absolutely must demonstrate your multi-cultural fluency. 3. Written reference reports might be standard attachments. These reports are regularly provided in some countries and can be up to 2 pages per position. They might be requested to accompany a resume submission. Some of the details of your accomplishments might be covered in these documents, meaning you don’t have to write as much detail in your resume or CV. 4. Language specifics are important! In an international executive resume, it’s essential to be specific â€" and brutally honest â€" about your language skills. Are you fluent or proficient? Native speaker? Business or basic level? Written or spoken? Do you have a score on an internationally accepted language exam that you can share? Or, can you use one of the categories in the Common European Framework of References for Languages? Note: If you claim fluency, you will be asked to interview in that language. So don’t stretch the truth. 5. Education â€" make it universal. Be sure that whatever degree you obtained, you list it in a language equivalent that will be understood in the country you’re applying to work in. You don’t want to undersell or oversell the degree you obtained. Overseas, you will often be served by writing the full span of years in which you attended school, vs. listing only your graduation date. Furthermore, in Europe you will want to include the date of your high school diploma, as recruiters want to see the full timeline of your schooling and whether you took any breaks. 6. Hobbies might be fair game! Don’t be afraid to share hobbies if they are worth noting and good conversation starters. You could find unexpected interest or even commonality with your interviewer! Interests seem especially welcome in international resumes, though they can sometimes be a boon in a U.S. resume as well. I’m pretty sure I once got a job offer because I could recite Dr. Seuss’s “The Sneetches†from memory. 7. Citizenship and Immigration Status In an international executive resume, your country of citizenship and your ability to work in the country where you’re applying are essential to include on your resume. If you are an executive with a Blue Card, be sure to include that status up front and center. The most important lesson we can learn here (which I am repeating again) is the importance of doing your research! If you’re targeting a position outside of your home country, you need to conform to the proper standards in order to be taken seriously. As Sandra Ingemansen so aptly points out, “Taking notice of these subtleties lets employers know that if an applicant is the type of person willing to go above and beyond on a job search campaign, then so will she be on the job as well.†Want to look at sample international executive resumes? Check out Brenda Bernstein’s TORI Award Winning International Executive Resume and other TORI Award winning resumes.
Friday, May 22, 2020
American Culture And The Culture - 873 Words
Although I always entertain the idea of Charles the Great, a king of the Franks that, â€Å"To have another language is to possess a second soul,†deep down I know language is a part of the culture. If I do not understand the culture attached to it, I may never get the real insight of the language I speak. That is why more than three months ago, I registered for a course called â€Å"American Studies†with an objective to gain a deeper perspective of the culture I am living in. Interestingly, during the coursework, I gain more than just a general concept about American culture. To me, American culture is a combination of many contradictions. Although I always try to be as skeptical as possible, there are times I cannot escape from both perspectives and stereotypes when interpreting this culture. My attempt to study American culture both through literature and popular approach such as music, movies, TV shows, magazines is more than just a preparation to adapt, but a personal interest. However, no matter how I have acquired the wide and updated knowledge about American culture, I may not get the â€Å"real sense of America.†For instance, it struck me a couple day ago when I heard that Prince passed away. I read about him, I know how he influences American society, I know why he is considered as an American icon, but I cannot gain the same feeling about his death as American people do. The other time happened when the topic in class was about advertising. Although I watched tons of AmericanShow MoreRelatedCulture : The American Culture1014 Words  |à ‚ 5 PagesCulture cannot be defined because it is completely unique to the individual. Culture is something that we choose to create which helps identify ourselves as a person. Throughout the world there are many different cultures. Culture can can be based on things such as language, religion, and tradition or customs that we were raised in. 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Every culture has their own identity. We all have the same human race. However, for me, even though USA is one of the biggest countries in the world, it’s hard to believe USA is a multicultural country, which has many people who came from overseas to the US to represent their own culture in there. There are Native American culture, Mexican culture, Chinese culture, Korean culture etc. and there is no way to count all the cultures which exist in the US becauseRead MoreHispanic Culture And The American Culture1313 Words  | 6 Pagesspeak English well. Hispanics are, persons of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American descent, other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race. Too often the assumption is made that Spanish-speakers are unamerican, lazy, receive low income, or are uneducated in any way. Hispanics are also demonized in the media as people who are stealing American jobs. That is the belief that some Americans associate with Hispanics. There is a saying foreigners use that goes â€Å"If you speak three languagesRead MoreAmerican Culture And Hispanic Culture796 Words  | 4 PagesFor example I would classify the ability to speak Spanish and English as the most important privileges to have in this country and time. Having the access to both of these languages creates the ability to cross cultures whenever I want. Those being the American culture and Hispanic culture. If I want to learn a new language I would have an advantage due to how much these languages overlap with other languages. One can fly across the world, knowing only English or Spanish and one is highly guaranteedRead MoreAmerican Culture1480 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Americanization Culture influences different aspects of an individual’s identity. In its purposefulness, it creates a feeling of belonging and a shared lifestyle among people, while it divides the world into communities of common customs, values, religion, practices, and law.1 American culture can be seen as more diverse and complex; however, people manage to find common ground through music, art, fashion, science, technology, worldviewsRead MoreAmerican Culture747 Words  | 3 Pagesacknowledged to be among the top 3 in the world; so, what kind of American spirit has shaped the United States? The prevailing view in academia is that the unique culture of the United States has laid the ideological foundation for the strength of the country; a country with only 200 years history has now become a super-power, I think that its because the ideology and culture of the United States has a strong impetus to all this. Early American Puritans believe in the religious thought has obvious rationaleRead MoreAsian Cultures And American Cultures Essay2460 Words  | 10 Pagesbackgrounds, and cultures. Cultures are very unique as they are different from country to country. Some adopt cultures that society accepts as the norm, while others adopt different types of cultures; cultures that not many people, especially those outside of the country, can see eye to eye and would sometimes find them rather ‘extreme’. When comparing Asian cultures and American cultures side by side, we can easily identify the many differences between the two. For one, Asian cultures are less open
Friday, May 8, 2020
Prison Was A Serious Punishment For Crime - 1598 Words
Prisons were virtually non-existent before the 1700’s because prison was not considered a serious punishment for crime. Instead, the government imprisoned those who were awaiting trial where they would receive a more appropriate punishment. Many punishments at the time included branding, extreme fines, whipping, and the death penalty or capital punishment. Most offenders when caught, received their punishment in public. This was done to try and discourage criminal activity and falls under the theory of deterrence. It is difficult to pin an exact date on when the general beginning of imprisonment as punishment for crime was started. However, it is known that at the beginning of the eighteenth century imprisonment was unusual except when applied to religious or political offenders. The eighteenth century was the time of transition from corporal punishment to imprisonment and although the most rapid time of change was after 1775, the general movement was in progress throughout the entire period. Early prisons were not what they are today. They were dark, dirty, overcrowded, and unhygienic. There was no separation for prisoners when they were locked up so this meant that men, women and children, plus dangerous criminals, debtors and the clinically insane could all be together. British reformer John Howard toured Europe to observe prison conditions. His book, the State of the Prisons in England and Wales, influenced the passage of a law that led to the construction of the firstShow MoreRelatedCrime Is A Crime And Crime999 Words  | 4 Pagescommits a crime, the immediate response from the public is that they deserve a punishment for their crime. Some of the crimes that offenders act upon range on the spectrum: from a minor crime to a major crime. When an offender commit a minor crime it is known as a misdemeanor and the punishment consists of a year or less in county jail. However, for a serious major crime, offenders are charged with a felony which includes a punishment o f a year or more in prison. Additionally, the lowest crime is anRead MoreCapital Punishment Is Cruel And Unusual1092 Words  | 5 Pagespeople believe that capital punishment is cruel and unusual. It is the only punishment that can truly compensate the loss of a loved one. In recent years, the rate of serious crimes has increased. The increase of crime is the result of less effective punishment. Dating back to early civilizations, capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, was viewed as an effective punishment. Yet today’s society it is viewed as cruel and inhumane. I believe that capital punishment should be executed moreRead More Capital Punishment: The Best Solution Essay703 Words  | 3 Pagesharm to any individual. Capital punishment is not always the most appropriate solution, but given the circumstances, it may be the most effective way to deal with criminals who threaten society. First of all, capital punishment would reduce taxes and makes prisons a much more effective place to hold criminals. This causes life imprisonment to become practically obsolete and prisons will be capable of functioning as a rehabilitation center. (the purpose of prison is to separate the criminals fromRead MoreShould The United States Allowed The Death Penalty?962 Words  | 4 Pagesin the United States being overcrowded with convicts with serious crimes, and doing life without parole. I start to wonder what the impact would be if the United States allowed the death penalty to be used in all fifty states? First, I needed to view into other countries and examine why they still allow to have capital punishment in their country. Out of 196 countries in the world only 58 of those countries still embrace capital punishment. China is at the top of the list that carries out the highestRead MoreDeath Of The 19th Century947 Words  | 4 PagesPentridge Prison, built in the 1850 in the north of Melbourne, housed Victoria’s most infamous criminals, which included; Russell Street Bomber Craig Minogue, 1920’s gangster Squizzy Taylor, Hoddle Street gunman Julian Knight and Mark ‘Chopper’ Reid. Pentridge Prisons history emphasizes the changes in crime, offending and punishment over its period of operation. By the end of the 20th century, Australia was less violent in comparison to the end of the 18th and 19th centuries. Crimes that haveRead MoreThe Sentencing Phase Of A Criminal Case902 Words  | 4 Pagespleads guilty, a judge will then decide a suitable punishment (or sentence) during the sentencing phase of a criminal case. There are varying outcomes that can influence sentencing offenders, they can range from probation and community service to prison and even the death penalty. Minor infractions, misdemeanors, or offenders who plead guilty usually get sentenced almost immediately after ones convictions. In complex criminal cases such as serious felonies, the sentencing judge will usually receiveRead MoreImagine Having A Criminal, Who Has Escaped From Multiple1663 Words  | 7 Pageshaving a criminal, who has escaped from multiple prisons; the system cannot contain him. He has been charged with multiple crimes, including murder. He is very powerful and has lots of money. Wh at should happen to this extremely dangerous criminal when he is caught again? This is where capital punishment would come into play. Some people say the capital punishment should not be banned in any U. S. state and many people say capital punishment should be federally banned. However, both sides wouldRead MoreThe Purposes of Sentencing Essay examples988 Words  | 4 Pagesoldest justifications for punishment involves the principles of retribution. Retribution (1900-1905) refers to an idea that offenders should be punished for committing a crime, but would not punish someone who was forced to commit a cri-me, i.e. duress. It can be sometimes be viewed as a ‘revenge’ or ‘an eye for an eye‘. It is based on the principle of â€Å"let the punishment fit the crime†. This aim does not reducing crime or changing the offenders future behaviour. Punishment is provided through imprisonmentRead Morepunishment for petty crimes1650 Words  | 7 Page s Type of essay: Text based Text used: â€Å"Her Majesty’s Prison†by Christian Pratt Stripped, probed, re-dressed and endowed with the status of convict.†Is this what you would want to endure for a simple traffic violation of no seat belt, running a red light or dark tinted windows? Or would you prefer a traffic school session or two, picking up garbage on a Saturday morning or paying a fine? I would gladly prefer the latter. The prison has a â€Å"revolving door†as if welcoming persons to come againRead MoreDeath Penalty Is Cruel And Unusual Punishment1706 Words  | 7 PagesThe legal executions first started in California when it was under the Practices Act in 1851. Then in February 14th 1872 it was put in the Penal Code. Capital punish in counties continued until an amendment by the legislature in 1891 said that it could only happen in the State Prisons picked by the court. The first state execution in California happens on March 3rd 1893 at San Quentin and the first one in Folsom was on December 13th 1895. In the 1937’s the legislature d ecided that instead of hanging
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Lifespan Development and Personality Free Essays
Oprah Winfrey’s development as an individual has a very unique and interesting perspective in terms of Psychological development. Ms. Winfrey is a product of an â€Å"accidental conception†by her parents. We will write a custom essay sample on Lifespan Development and Personality or any similar topic only for you Order Now Her mother was a house maid and her father was a coil miner. At the age of 6 and 14, she was raped and sexually molested by her uncle and cousin. Her mother was often not around to help her and guide her. Ironically, even though she was having a hard time at home, she still excelled in school and had scholarship to support her education. As a growing child, she was used to poverty and hardships. After the incident of sexual molestations, she was forced to live with her dad. During these times, Oprah was helped by her dad to focus on her studies. At an age of 18 she won the Miss Black Tennessee Beauty pageant and then later on was given a job at a local radio station. Her exposure to media later evolved as she aspired to become a prominent figure in American Television years later. The forces that made big differences in her life are her childhood experiences and family as well as her experiences in her late adolescent years. The mixture of her bad memories and her successful life can be accounted on how she managed the anxieties and problems in which she might have encountered in the process of her maturity as a person. Oprah can be said to have a bad environment growing up. The way of life she lived in the poverty stricken places she grew up on might had opened her eyes on the realities of life even on a tender age. She was not nurtured well also because her mother was irresponsible. Her father helped her to focus on her studies in her adolescent years but still had missed out a lot of important years in the childhood days. Fortunately, she overcame all adversities with her innate ability to be diligent in her goals. Even though she underwent a depressing phase in her childhood, she was also compensated later on by good education and support from her father. Emotionally, she might have chosen to become depressed and angry at life. In fact, she showed signs of rebellion at age 14 when she got regnant but eventually lost her baby. You can see the transition of her life as she was guided by her father. She became more focus and determined in life. There was less hostility in her environment as she entered the late adolescent and it helped her to become the person she is today. Today Oprah is known to be the good moral type of person. She is a philanthropist and helps the needy people in America as well as other parts of the globe. Her view of morality can be traced back to how she saw the injustices in her society in her childhood. The oppression of black people, the life her parents lived, and the way her classmates made fun of her due to her poverty opened her eyes on what’s right and wrong. Her ability today to empathize and sympathize is really a product of her first hand experience with the good and bad experiences her had. Going back to her moral and emotional development, I want to focus more on the negative experiences she had in her childhood. We can see that Oprah went through a lot in her childhood. In Erik Erikson’s theory of development, she was at around stage three when her sexual molestation experiences happened. This stage is important since this is a stage where a crisis in a person’s development happens (initiative-guilt). The fact that family plays the biggest role in this stage makes her more vulnerable to level on more guilt than initiative. Instead of helping her feel purposeful and learn new skills, her family at that time mistreated her. In her next stage of development (industry and inferiority), she might had leveled on more inferiority than industry. This is where she was having troubles in school and starting to rebel on her family. She might have a sense of â€Å"inertia†or inferiority complex due to the fact that she had not strong support system in her family. When â€Å"inertia†happens, the child usually avoids doing something she was not able or failed to do properly (Boeree, 1997). In Oprah’s situation she might had given up on building good relationship with her family. Fortunately she was able to over come it as time went on and she stayed with her father. As she progress on to the stage five (ego-identity and role confusion crisis), she looked like she was successful in balancing out the crisis due to the fact her father offered social support for her and she was excelling in her studies. This might had giver her good amount of confidence to share herself to others and to be comfortable to be oneself. Her excellence in school and constant exposure to media might led her to develop a good social support system. Together with her father’s guidance, she had a healthy support system that helped her achieve many goals in her life. A good social support system of friends and family is vital in everyone’s growth and security in life. After a turbulent childhood, she was able to find good connection to the world by her achievement. Later on in her life, she was one of the most powerful women in television and Hollywood. She helped people who needed help. She influenced politics. President Bill Clinton even singed an â€Å"Oprah bill†for the creations of a database of child abusers. She opened schools for people who can’t afford to go school. She directed her passion of helping other children and victims of catastrophe. She is said to be one of the most credible and influential Americans in history. Two theories of personality best apply for Ms. Winfrey. Abraham Maslow’s theory of heirrachy of needs can help us understand how Oprah’s traits and actions develop through her career and as a person. In her childhood, she was stuck on surviving on the first level of needs (physiological needs). As she grew older, she was given more and more support by her father, colleagues and friends. She was able to climb up the hierarchy of needs. By the time she was in her 20’s, she had already fulfilled the safety, belonging and esteem part of the hierarchy of needs. Today, she is seen to help others and use her past dispute in life as her tool to help and change other people’s lives. She is on a level in which she is self-actualizing and reaching out to help other since she had already fulfilled her own needs. Being in this self-actualization state, people who reached this usually has the continuous desire to fulfill his potential to become more and more of what you want (Boeree, 1997). In connection to this theory, Viktor Frankl’s theory of transcendence is a good approach in her case. Ms. Winfrey’s painful past could have destroyed her internally and made her a depressed person throughout life but instead she was able to transcend her experience to something useful to the world. She channeled her pain and suffering to counseling others in her show. She gave moral support to women who were abused and children who were in the same situation as her. In comparing the two theories, Viktor Frankl stated that self-actualization is the side-effect of transcendence. In conclusion, the theory of transcendence of Frankl best accounts her behavior. Oprah’s actions and behaviors towards finding meaning in her life and helping others can be seen more of a spiritual and self less acts rather than Maslow’s theory in which people satisfy their own self-actualization needs thus resulting to helping others. Oprah over came a lot of adversities and trial in life and was able to overcome many â€Å"noogenic anxiety†that might have come in her way. She can be said to have found meaning in what she does today. She transforms her life’s experiences and lessons to something for the betterment of others. References Boeree, C. (1997). Retrieved on 24 April 2008 from Boeree, C. (1997). Retrieved on 24 April 2008 from Boeree, C. (1997). Retrieved on 24 April 2008 from Boeree, C. (1997). Retrieved on 24 April 2008 from Dinh, M. Murphy, J. (2008). Retrived on 24 April 2008 from Unknown. (2008). REtrived on 24 April 2008 from How to cite Lifespan Development and Personality, Essay examples
Lifespan Development and Personality Free Essays
Oprah Winfrey’s development as an individual has a very unique and interesting perspective in terms of Psychological development. Ms. Winfrey is a product of an â€Å"accidental conception†by her parents. We will write a custom essay sample on Lifespan Development and Personality or any similar topic only for you Order Now Her mother was a house maid and her father was a coil miner. At the age of 6 and 14, she was raped and sexually molested by her uncle and cousin. Her mother was often not around to help her and guide her. Ironically, even though she was having a hard time at home, she still excelled in school and had scholarship to support her education. As a growing child, she was used to poverty and hardships. After the incident of sexual molestations, she was forced to live with her dad. During these times, Oprah was helped by her dad to focus on her studies. At an age of 18 she won the Miss Black Tennessee Beauty pageant and then later on was given a job at a local radio station. Her exposure to media later evolved as she aspired to become a prominent figure in American Television years later. The forces that made big differences in her life are her childhood experiences and family as well as her experiences in her late adolescent years. The mixture of her bad memories and her successful life can be accounted on how she managed the anxieties and problems in which she might have encountered in the process of her maturity as a person. Oprah can be said to have a bad environment growing up. The way of life she lived in the poverty stricken places she grew up on might had opened her eyes on the realities of life even on a tender age. She was not nurtured well also because her mother was irresponsible. Her father helped her to focus on her studies in her adolescent years but still had missed out a lot of important years in the childhood days. Fortunately, she overcame all adversities with her innate ability to be diligent in her goals. Even though she underwent a depressing phase in her childhood, she was also compensated later on by good education and support from her father. Emotionally, she might have chosen to become depressed and angry at life. In fact, she showed signs of rebellion at age 14 when she got regnant but eventually lost her baby. You can see the transition of her life as she was guided by her father. She became more focus and determined in life. There was less hostility in her environment as she entered the late adolescent and it helped her to become the person she is today. Today Oprah is known to be the good moral type of person. She is a philanthropist and helps the needy people in America as well as other parts of the globe. Her view of morality can be traced back to how she saw the injustices in her society in her childhood. The oppression of black people, the life her parents lived, and the way her classmates made fun of her due to her poverty opened her eyes on what’s right and wrong. Her ability today to empathize and sympathize is really a product of her first hand experience with the good and bad experiences her had. Going back to her moral and emotional development, I want to focus more on the negative experiences she had in her childhood. We can see that Oprah went through a lot in her childhood. In Erik Erikson’s theory of development, she was at around stage three when her sexual molestation experiences happened. This stage is important since this is a stage where a crisis in a person’s development happens (initiative-guilt). The fact that family plays the biggest role in this stage makes her more vulnerable to level on more guilt than initiative. Instead of helping her feel purposeful and learn new skills, her family at that time mistreated her. In her next stage of development (industry and inferiority), she might had leveled on more inferiority than industry. This is where she was having troubles in school and starting to rebel on her family. She might have a sense of â€Å"inertia†or inferiority complex due to the fact that she had not strong support system in her family. When â€Å"inertia†happens, the child usually avoids doing something she was not able or failed to do properly (Boeree, 1997). In Oprah’s situation she might had given up on building good relationship with her family. Fortunately she was able to over come it as time went on and she stayed with her father. As she progress on to the stage five (ego-identity and role confusion crisis), she looked like she was successful in balancing out the crisis due to the fact her father offered social support for her and she was excelling in her studies. This might had giver her good amount of confidence to share herself to others and to be comfortable to be oneself. Her excellence in school and constant exposure to media might led her to develop a good social support system. Together with her father’s guidance, she had a healthy support system that helped her achieve many goals in her life. A good social support system of friends and family is vital in everyone’s growth and security in life. After a turbulent childhood, she was able to find good connection to the world by her achievement. Later on in her life, she was one of the most powerful women in television and Hollywood. She helped people who needed help. She influenced politics. President Bill Clinton even singed an â€Å"Oprah bill†for the creations of a database of child abusers. She opened schools for people who can’t afford to go school. She directed her passion of helping other children and victims of catastrophe. She is said to be one of the most credible and influential Americans in history. Two theories of personality best apply for Ms. Winfrey. Abraham Maslow’s theory of heirrachy of needs can help us understand how Oprah’s traits and actions develop through her career and as a person. In her childhood, she was stuck on surviving on the first level of needs (physiological needs). As she grew older, she was given more and more support by her father, colleagues and friends. She was able to climb up the hierarchy of needs. By the time she was in her 20’s, she had already fulfilled the safety, belonging and esteem part of the hierarchy of needs. Today, she is seen to help others and use her past dispute in life as her tool to help and change other people’s lives. She is on a level in which she is self-actualizing and reaching out to help other since she had already fulfilled her own needs. Being in this self-actualization state, people who reached this usually has the continuous desire to fulfill his potential to become more and more of what you want (Boeree, 1997). In connection to this theory, Viktor Frankl’s theory of transcendence is a good approach in her case. Ms. Winfrey’s painful past could have destroyed her internally and made her a depressed person throughout life but instead she was able to transcend her experience to something useful to the world. She channeled her pain and suffering to counseling others in her show. She gave moral support to women who were abused and children who were in the same situation as her. In comparing the two theories, Viktor Frankl stated that self-actualization is the side-effect of transcendence. In conclusion, the theory of transcendence of Frankl best accounts her behavior. Oprah’s actions and behaviors towards finding meaning in her life and helping others can be seen more of a spiritual and self less acts rather than Maslow’s theory in which people satisfy their own self-actualization needs thus resulting to helping others. Oprah over came a lot of adversities and trial in life and was able to overcome many â€Å"noogenic anxiety†that might have come in her way. She can be said to have found meaning in what she does today. She transforms her life’s experiences and lessons to something for the betterment of others. References Boeree, C. (1997). Retrieved on 24 April 2008 from Boeree, C. (1997). Retrieved on 24 April 2008 from Boeree, C. (1997). Retrieved on 24 April 2008 from Boeree, C. (1997). Retrieved on 24 April 2008 from Dinh, M. Murphy, J. (2008). Retrived on 24 April 2008 from Unknown. (2008). REtrived on 24 April 2008 from How to cite Lifespan Development and Personality, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Use Of Force Essay Example For Students
Use Of Force Essay The Use of Force illustrates very well the feelings and emotions of a normallyrational person, who, for any reason, is subjected to a situation that causesmuch frustration and anger. Most people have patience, but everyone has abreaking-point. The doctor found his breaking point. It was almost frighteningto read what the doctor was going to do next to the little girl. What he did wasno doubt justified, however, when he said I could have torn the child apartin my own fury and enjoyed it, that shows a lack of self control. I believethis story is very much like everyday life in the past few years. People losetheir tempers too easily instead of being patient and cooling off. A greatexample of this is the Jerry Springer Show; people go to that show already veryangry, and they think that being on TV will aid them in resolving theirconflicts. That is certainly not what happens, though. One person almost alwaysbecomes enraged and physically attacks another person. Its sick. I see it inthe ha llways of our school. People lash out at anyone for any reason-bumpinginto them. It is terrible. Just blow it off and calm down. The story The Use ofForce shows the evil side of a person. The doctor had to do his job, but did notneed to physically harm the little girl. His uncontrollable ferocity andbelligerence are startling, but it is sadly a common occurrence in the present. We will write a custom essay on Use Of Force specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now
Thursday, March 19, 2020
What is science essays
What is science essays Science is one word in the English dictionary, that could have many different meanings. Many times, humans will attempt to reach too far, and distort the true meaning of a word, as is the case with science. After reading the selected material in Science s quite easy to gain a simple knowledge of the word. Science can be defined as the testing of nature to explain how things work. Through the study of science, many questions about the world we live in can be answered. Through science, we see many of the boundaries and rules of our natural world. Science also gives us a way to make conclusions about evidence that weve not yet discovered. Throughout the books, there are very drastic viewpoints about some of the basic elements of science. Science hard proof of what is already revealed in the Bible. When God created the Earth, he made absolutes that only God could ordain. Nature works on boundaries that only God fully knows about. Science is an attempt by us to understand and explain the rules the God set in place many years ago. The viewpoints of this book reflect that of our discussions so far in class. Through our Christian perspective, God is the ultimate truth and only he has all the answers for the world. He chose to reveal himself to us in two ways, through his teachings and his only son Jesus Christ. In both instances, he revealed many things that he didnt have to reveal. The bible is the best source for information about the world that we live in. Also, we have the empirical knowledge that we obtain about the natural world that compliments the scriptures and in result, helps us better know our creat or. The book A beginners guide to the Scientific Method giv...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Setting Writing Targets
Setting Writing Targets Setting Writing Targets Setting Writing Targets By Ali Hale When you’re working on a big, long-term writing goal – perhaps becoming a published novelist, or making a living from your writing – it’s easy to get discouraged or distracted along the way. Sometimes the gulf between where you are with your writing and where you want to be can seem like an impassable chasm. This is where it helps to set smaller, specific writing targets: ones that you know you can meet, and which will take you step-by-step towards your eventual goals. 1. Work out your priority for the year In 2007, I was focusing on short stories: my target was to write at least two every month and submit them to competitions or publications. I ended the year with over twenty five finished short stories. It’s usually not a good idea to split your focus between several projects. If you write around a job or family life, pick your one priority for the year: whether it’s finally getting around to writing that novel you’ve been planning, building up a collection of poetry, posting regularly on your blog, or polishing up your business writing skills. 2. Set realistic targets for yourself In my case, I could manage two complete short stories per month whilst working full time – it was a bit of a stretch some months, but achievable. If I’d tried to write a short story every week, I’d have given up before January was over. Try not to give yourself a target that relies on outside forces: aiming to have something published every month is laudable, but it’s influenced as much by the whims of editors as by your own writing abilities. Some good targets could be: Writing 500 words of your novel every day. Writing a poem every Saturday. Posting a new entry on your blog three times a week. Reading two chapters of a book on writing every week, and trying out some exercises. 3. Keep track of how you’re doing When you have daily or weekly targets, keeping a visual record of progress can be very motivating! How about putting a tick or gold star on the calendar for every day that you meet your goal, or keeping a wall chart of word-count progress by your desk? If you prefer a more high-tech approach, Joe’s Goals is an easy way to keep track of how you’re getting on. You might also find scheduling writing sessions in task management software such as Remember the Milk helps – sometimes, our brains work well with a deadline. 4. Assess whether meeting your targets is getting you closer to your goals It’s great to be ticking off those four completed poems every month, or those three blog posts each week – but after a few months, take a good look at whether meeting your targets is actually taking you closer to your goals. If you’re trying to win writing competitions, are you getting short-listed yet? If you want more readers for your blog, have visitor numbers risen? If your aim is to improve your writing skills, are readers commenting more favourably on your work? Sometimes, you might need to revise your targets in order to make faster progress towards your goals: your target of four poems each month might be too ambitious if you’re rushing them and producing sub-standard work, and you might reach your goal of a competition win sooner if you instead just wrote one great poem each month. Do you have big, long-term goals or dreams for your writing? What smaller targets are you setting yourself on a daily, weekly or monthly basis to help you reach these? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:75 Synonyms for â€Å"Angry†Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs and HeteronymsGrammar Review #1: Particles and Phrasal Verbs
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Critique - Essay Example arates humankind from the rest of creation by establishing a dominionship of the former over the latter; but it is still below God who has as absolute dominion over humanity in the similar manner. Ms. Johnson states that under this model women are situated somewhere between â€Å"poodles and men,†(p. 29). So according to this pattern, men, as kings, can do what they like with both nature and women, which are subjects of the man. Ms. Johnson disputes this model. Ms. Johnson calls her theology panatheism. It’s a belief that all things are in God, as opposed to pantheism, which sees God in all things. Yet she does admit that traditional Christian theology does view God as above and apart from the world. Likewise, she does not accept the biblical Genesis story as the basis for her understanding of the world, but accepts a â€Å"cosmic history†that includes a long, slow-pace creation over billions of years, and the evolutionary creation of man as opposed to God’s act. She does mention belief in the Trinity, however, and she apparently accepts Jesus as God incarnate, although this is not clearly defined. But it is in this Creative Spirit that she most closely believes. She does seems to admit that a Creative Spirit is within the world, yet the activity she sees is not the one that we traditionally associate as the God that man can commune with, but rather she states that the â€Å"†¦Spirit fills the world and is in al l things. Since the Spirit is also transcendent over the world, divine in dwelling circles round to embrace the whole world, which thereby dwells within the sphere of the divine,†(p.42). Ms. Johnson’s cosmological belief then is not in a personal God, but in a real God who is separate from his creation. Ms. Johnson’s Creative Spirit may be real too, but implies only a belief in God who is part of that creation, a Creative Spirit that has been creating since the very beginning, but is in no sense an entity of itself. Ms. Johnson suggests that
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Diary of an Individual (in Mesopotamia) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Diary of an Individual (in Mesopotamia) - Essay Example As Knights, they were highly skilled in warfare, trained in their bodies to be ready for battle at any moment day or night, trained in their wills to selfless subordination and cooperation. With the grace of God, I arrived at a Templar’s Priory safe and without any difficulties along the way. Perhaps, it is really the will of God, that I should serve his crusade to protect the Holy Land from the infidels who makes false claims about their faith. I am just waiting for my investiture, which I have heard so much about but none really has seen, and from then on, I shall be at the disposal of God’s Will. I thank you for bringing me out in this world and taking care of me to be the man that I am today. I know that it worries you so much for me to join this Holy Crusade. But God has purpose for every one of us, and mine is to serve Him and to protect the Faith. Please don’t feel bad as this service will surely earn His Grace and will absolve our sins. If man has to do p enance for, it would be better to do it for his service of His crusade. I promise you I will be safe. Please do not worry, God is on my side and He will protect me. Whatever that will happen to me will be according to His Will. For I leave everything to him now, from everything that I own to my own life. For there is no greater glory in this life than to serve the purpose of God. Your beloved son. Dear Camilla, I am writing to you in excitement and in pain. I am excited. Any moment now, I will be dubbed as a Knight and will be joining the ranks of men who serve the Glory of God.... I am excited because any moment now, I will be dubbed as a Knight and will be joining the illustrious ranks of men who serve the Glory of God. I cannot tell you enough how happy I am to be in this Priory. Just this morning, I made my prayer to the Almighty bidding you good health and happiness. I already made the necessary preparations of cleansing my soul to be ready to receive the glory of God. From then on, I shall be forbidden to cleanse my physical body for what would matter after that would be the purity of my soul. I love you. I cherish the moments we had and every time I feel lonesome, I just say my prayers and think about you. And all of my worries are gone. But I have to take a code that I am not to covet any earthly possession and woman for I will serve solely God’s Will. I will be sworn to poverty, obedience and chastity. And to that, in as much as my heart bleeds, I know that God has a purpose for both of us. I thank your love, and I have not loved any woman as mu ch as I have loved you. But my calling demands that I have to release you from your engagement to me. For I will become a monk, who will serve only but God. It pains me to release you for I loved you, but I know that in time, this pain will be healed by his Grace. I bid you happiness and health. And may you find a man who will love and cherish you as much as I do. And have a family which I cannot provide. I am breaking up not because of the lack of love, but because of a greater love. Love that encompasseth all things to join a crusade to protect the Faith. Your beloved Letter 3 (letter to a friend) Dear Faust, I am sorry I was not able to say my final bidding when I left. It came to me that you were looking for me and quite worried for me. Please worry not for I am safe and in the Grace of
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Affect And Strategy Of Environmental Factors Marketing Essay
Affect And Strategy Of Environmental Factors Marketing Essay STEEPLE/PESTLE originally designed as a business environmental scan, the STEEPLE or PESTLE analysis is an analysis of the external macro environment (big picture) in which a business operates. These are often factors which are beyond the control or influence of a business, however are important to be aware of when doing product development, business or strategy planning. Social: Dà ©lys is a chocolate based cake and a bakery Producer and as United Kingdom is one of the highest consumers of the Chocolate product, it is easily accepted by the People. It can take a speed in a market in very less time. On the other Hand as every person is busy, they prefer Baker Products which is more quick and easy to eat, every age, sex and of different geographical regions would easily adopt Dà ©lys product. Technological: The most modern bakeries are highly automated. To track and help assure compliance with government regulation that affects bakeries, companies deploy software, such as Environmental Quality management Program. Bakery Firms may use computer system to receive order, track sales and exchange the data with large customers. Dà ©lys do not have its own distribution business and retail outlets, Sales are through the main supermarket chains such as Tesco, Sainsburys, Asda and Morrisons. Some independent grocery chains also stock Dà ©lys products and the products also sold by Harrods and Fortnum and Mason. Which may affect the technologically in the operation of the Business. Economical: Large economies of scale occur in production baked product, is manly of labour cost can be reduced dramatically in large bakery facilities. A big automated bakery can produce a million bread loaves a week with just 100 employees working two shifts. The size of production facilities is limited by the need to distribute a highly perishable product to a large number of customers. Usually a large baking facility can service an area within a 300-miles radius. As Dà ©lys has 60 employees it could reduce the cost of production. These may be the factor affection Economical environment of the Industry. Environmental: Production is carried out at Dà ©lys Ltds own factory and by one other food manufacturer in England that is not owned by Dà ©lys Ltd. The factory must be environment friendly and should be concern about the reduction in pollutions that may effect in health of the person residing nearby. This may be the factor that may affect the operation of Dà ©lys Ltd. Political: As the Political situation of U.K is stable and that warmly welcomes the entry of the new products inside the United kingdom market, the tax policy of United kingdom is very producer friendly and conflicts is very much less likely to occur in the production like Cakes and bakeries that may affect the operation of the Dà ©lys Ltd. Legal: The basic understanding of the political legal environment is when the government implements laws and or regulations which affect the way a business operate. Legal environment in a business are as following Statutory and regulatory conditions, corporate governance, compliance, international trade regulations, competition regulation. In the case of Dà ©lys Ltd it has to be careful in food and hygiene regulation, employment policies, health and safety rules and regulation etc Ethical: The ethical factors includes Business ethics, Consent, Client confidentiality, Official Secrets Act, Security access, terms of business/trade, Trust, Reputation. As the national press has praised the quality of the products and a number of organisations have identified some Dà ©lys products as being the best of their kind in taste tests. Jo Brown has found fame as a dynamic entrepreneur and is a dragon on the BBC business show Dragons Den. Jo is a hands-on managing director and would always want to be seen as such in any business she worked in. These could ethically effect the environment of the Dà ©lys Ltd. Stake holder analysis Internal stakeholders and their interest in the company: (a) Employees. Employees and their representative groups are interested in information about the stability and profitability of their employers. They are also interested in information which enables them to assess the ability of the enterprise to provide remuneration, retirement benefits and employment opportunities, in the case of Dà ©lys Ltd 60 employees are the internal stakeholder of the Business. (b) Investors. The providers of risk capital and their advisers are concerned with the risk inherent in, and return provided by, their investments. They need information to help them determine whether they should buy, hold or sell. Shareholders are also interested in information which enables them to assess the ability of the enterprise to pay dividends. (Investors are owners of the co. It can be argued that they are external stakeholders, but its also hard to call your owners outsiders) In the case of Dà ©lys Ltd its a Private Company so the investor is Dà ©lys itself. (c) Management and those who appointed them. Financial statements also show the results of the stewardship of management, or the accountability of management for the resources entrusted to it. Those users who wish to assess the stewardship or accountability of management do so in order that they may make economic decisions; these decisions may include, for example, whether to hold or sell their investment in the enterprise or whether to reappoint or replace the management. External Stockholder The external stakeholders can be considered as anyone outside the implementing Organisations that could be affected by the projects results. STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT It is not sufficient to identify the relevant groups. Named individuals need to be identified within each group and more than one person may be required for any organisation or department. The selection of these individuals will depend on the role that they are to play in the project and the requirements in terms of knowledge, authority and level of involvement that this creates. External Stockholder of Dà ©lys Ltd is Tesco, Sainsburys, Asda and Morrisons. Some independent grocery chains also stock Dà ©lys products and the products also sold by Harrods and Fortnum and Mason. Attitude toward the Strategy of Dà ©lys would be positive by the internal and external stakeholders, as Sales of the companys products have currently grown by more than 15% per annum every year since the company was founded and they currently amount to  £6 million annually. The net profit on sales ratio is a very healthy 10% and at this level other businesses have been attracted to Dà ©lys Ltds business model. The company has a balance sheet that shows there are assets of  £20 million funded by a mortgage of  £7 million, a long term bank loan of  £2 million and retained profits over the last 10 years of  £6 million. The residual amount comes from the shareholders equity. It employs only 60 people. Apart from one factory with attached offices, Dà ©lys Ltd owns no distribution businesses and no retail outlets. 2(a) Use appropriate tools to analyse and measure the effects and effectiveness of Dà ©lys Ltds current business plans. 2(b) Summarise the position of Dà ©lys Ltds in its current market. 2(c) Evaluate the competitive strengths and weaknesses of Dà ©lys Ltds current strategies. Existing Business Strategy Porters Five Force analysis is important when trying to understand the competitive environment facing a given industry. It involves looking at internal competition barriers to entry, the profit appropriating power of buyers and sellers, as well as substitutes to the goods produced. Applied to the bakery industries like Dà ©lys Limited it shows an average net profit that typically does not cover the cost of capital due to low barriers to entry, ease of production and ease of access to ingredients. Internal Rivalry There are many players in the bakery industries like Dà ©lys Limited. The top four companies are estimated to only account for 11.7 percent of the market. The industry is characterized by many small bakeries, but theres has been the recent trend towards consolidation and economics of scale. Businesses compare on price, quality, differentiation and relationship with key suppliers. Barrier to entry Barrier to entry in this industry is low. Economics of scale are beneficial, but are not required for industrial success. As a result, small business can enter the industry with relatively small amount of Capital. The two main Determinant of New company successes is the leader ability acquire sufficient channels of distribution to cover an operating cost and their ability to built up Brand acquisitions and Loyalty. Distribution channels typically involve retail outlets, such as grocery stores and supermarkets and they can be easily acquired if the bakery brand is established or have market research to create one. Dà ©lys Ltd Sales are through the main supermarket chains such as Tesco, Sainsburys, Asda and Morrisons. Some independent grocery chains also stock Dà ©lys products and the products also sold by Harrods and Fortnum and Mason. Buyers Buyers of the bakery industry products like Dà ©lys Ltd such as ASDA, Sainsburys, Morrison, Tesco are able to appreciate much of the industry profit due to large number of small bakeries that are buying to find outlets for their products. As a result Buyers are able to command Low price and volume discounts. Only a large player like have the power to level the playing field and achieve a more balanced share of the profit. Suppliers Suppliers do not have much negotiating power in the bakery business like Dà ©lys ltd due to the well developed market for their products and their commoditized nature of what they are saying. Cakes and pastries and child bakeries of delays ltd can be affected by price swing of the raw input, but the changes are the result of the global supply and demand determinants rather than supply negotiating power Substitutes Many substitutes exist for bakery products. Breakfast cereals, rice and potatoes are all viable alternatives and individual can also make all of the baked goods they want at home. Bakery relay upon price and convenience to keep individuals switching to a substitute for baking what they need at home. Position of Dà ©lys Ltd Product in Market Dà ©lys Ltd is a private company that makes cakes under the brand name Dà ©lys. It was founded in 2000 by Jo Brown who liked the chocolate based cakes and patisserie that was on sale in Paris. With  £75,000 Dà ©lys Ltd was founded. It makes a variety of desserts and sweets for the premium end of the market. All the output is of chilled products. Jo Brown has found fame as a dynamic entrepreneur and is a dragon on the BBC business show Dragons Den. Jo is a hands-on managing director and would always want to be seen as such in any business she worked in. Sales of the companys products have currently grown by more than 15% per annum every year since the company was founded and they currently amount to  £6 million annually. The net profit on sales ratio is a very healthy 10% and at this level other businesses have been attracted to Dà ©lys Ltds business model. The company has a balance sheet that shows there are assets of  £20 million funded by a mortgage of  £7 million, a long term bank loan of  £2 million and retained profits over the last 10 years of  £6 million. The residual amount comes from the shareholders equity. It employs 60 people. The growth in snacking and requirement for convenience foods has benefited both the biscuits and cakes and pastries sectors. Many industrially produced cakes are now available in wrapped single-portion sizes designed for snacking, while snack-sized packs of biscuits have also become more commonplace. The European market for bakery products amounted to 30.2 million tonnes in 1999, worth an estimated  £45 billion ($73 billion or i68 billion). Given its size, the bakery sector can be considered to be one of the most important sectors of the food industry as a whole. Bread remains a staple part of the diet, whilst cakes and biscuits can increasingly be regarded as regular snacking items rather than occasional treats. Bread is by far the largest sector of the bakery market, with sales of 24.45 million tonnes in 1999, equating to 81% of total bakery volumes. Sales of biscuits totalled 3.02 million tonnes, representing 10%, and cakes and pastries for the remaining 9%, or 2.73 million tonnes. There are over 120,000 enterprises active in the European bread-baking sector, the vast majority of which are small craft bakers. Craft bakers are dominant in countries where there is a tradition of buying freshly baked bread every day, such as Italy, Portugal, Greece and France. This contrasts with the situation in the UK and Ireland, where some 80% of bread consumed is industrially produced. Overall, artisanal bakers and in-store bakeries currently account for 63% of all bread consumed in Europe, although industrial bakers, which account for the remaining 37%, are becoming more significant. Within the total European biscuits market, DANONE is market leader, with a 16% share of sales, While Sales of the Dà ©lys Companys products have currently grown by more than 15% per annum every year since the company was founded and they currently amount to  £6 million annually. Ahead of United Biscuits with 11%, Bailsmen with 8%, and Barilla with 6%; own-label accounts for an estimated 18%. 3(a) Use a range of tools and models to develop a range of strategic options for Dà ©lys Ltd 3(b) Analyse the comparative strategic position taken by competitors in the market and how it may affect the choice of future strategy by Dà ©lys Ltd 3(c) Create a range of feasible options as the basis of future organisational strategy for Dà ©lys Ltd Despite the ongoing trend towards healthy eating, and the added pressures from the credit squeeze, demand for indulgent chilled desserts continues to grow. Market value increased by 14% between 2003 and 2007, and is expected to grow by 4% in 2008, taking sales to  £1,030 million. An internal shift within chilled pot desserts away from every day desserts in favour of premium lines is adding value, although overall volume growth has been subdued. Sales of other chilled desserts other than those in pots have been boosted by larger sharing formats, while a revival of family dining at the weekend has contributed to the growth of hot eating desserts. The outlook for the market remains positive, although in order to achieve longer-term growth, manufacturers will need to further increase the participation of ABC1s and increase frequency of consumption beyond special occasions. Impulse and on-the-go snacking, as well as the consumption of desserts away from main meals all offer further potential for growth. Mintel last examined the UK market for Chilled and Chilled Pot Desserts in March 2007 and July 2006 respectively. Mintel forecasts on the Bakery, cakes and pastry Industry Bread UK February 2007 Between 2001 and 2006, the retail sales volume of bread fell by 14% to 1.8 million tonnes. Mintel forecasts slower decline between 2006 and 2011 of approximately 9%. Between 2001 and 2006, the value market grew by 14%, or 9% in real terms. Mintel also forecast that it will grow by an estimated 11% over the next five years to reach a value of  £2.4 billion at current prices, which translates to a 2% rate of growth in real terms. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Bread Cakes Ireland March 2006 Retail sales of biscuits are valued at à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬252.4 million in RoI and have grown by 24% since 2000. Retail sales in NI rose from  £88.4 million in 2000 to  £114 million in 2005, representing a growth rate of 29% over the review period. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cakes and Cake Bars UK June 2006 The UK ambient cake market comprises three main segments; whole cakes, occasion cakes and individual cakes. Sales increased by 11% from 2001 to reach a value of  £1.47 billion by 2005. In order to progress, suppliers have had to develop products to deal with current eating trends that have shifted away from the role of cake as a teatime treat or celebratory indulgence. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Morning Goods UK July 2007 The morning goods market comprises a broad range of bread rolls and bakery snack products. Most product categories continue to advance in value despite their maturity, while some notably bagels, muffins, brioche and doughnuts have been enjoying impressive rates of growth. Overall sales of morning goods increased by 11% between 2002 and 2006, to reach  £1.18 billion. This compares with a 10% rise in bread sales (excluding rolls) over the same period in a market worth  £2.11 billion. Growth has picked up since 2004, with morning goods sales increasing by 7.5% between 2004 and 2006, while sales of bread Increased by just 5.6%. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Sweet Biscuits UK May 2007 Sales of sweet biscuits stood at  £1,462 million in 2006, having achieved 2.2% growth on the previous year against a prevailing trend of healthy eating. Over the 2002-07 periods, value growth has outstripped that of volume, signalling consumers lighter consumption habits but willingness to trade up to more expensive and indulgent products. Greatest growth over the previous year was in healthier and special treat biscuits, both of which tend to retail at the premium end. Mintel forecasts that both value (in real terms) and volume sales of sweet biscuits will increase by around 7% at current prices over the 2007-12 month period, increasing to an estimated  £1.7 billion. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Non-sweet Biscuits UK October 2007 Sales of non-sweet biscuits have enjoyed slightly higher rates of growth (from a smaller starting point) due to their strong health positioning and the development of snacking variants. Snacking both at home and on the go is a key factor behind growth in sales of non-sweet biscuits. Manufacturers have already responded to this with snack pack and mini variants, but could do more to extend the relevance of non-sweet biscuits to the convenience-led on-the-go market. The newly released March edition of Frozen Cakes, Pies, and Other Pastries Manufacturing Industry report is the comprehensive market research guide for the industry. It has the latest information on the industrys key financial data, competitive landscape, cost and pricing, and trends during the current economic climate The available options for the Dà ©lys Limited are as following: Expanding the range of desserts and sweets it makes to include Viennese and Italian styles, Expanding the range of products to include ambient and frozen products, Producing healthier products to chime in with consumers changing tastes and government initiatives on healthy lifestyles, Increase the number of retailers selling the Dà ©lys range, Producing own label products for the supermarket chains, Expanding internationally, diversifying into other product areas such as bakery, Making products for niche markets such gluten intolerants and products for specific ethnic and religious groups who have specific dietary needs., Supplying mass-market caterers and airlines, Licensing producers to use the Dà ©lys name on other food lines., Opening Dà ©lys retail outlets in retail centres., Taking over other businesses. Two local firms with good regional reputations which might be targets are Maggies Farm Breads, an artisanal bakery, valued at around  £1.5 million, and Chocolaterie de Gro ote a company that hand makes Belgian style chocolates that is worth around  £1 million. , and selling out to a large food producing business. Jo believes she could probably get  £25 million for Dà ©lys Ltd. and get a seat on the board with a view to moving up to be in charge of a FTSE listed company. Alternatively she could just walk away with the money and find new businesses and ideas to develop. She also knows that Ben and Jerrys lost a lot of its carefully developed image as a hippy ice cream maker when it sold out to Unilever and she does not want to lose the market image she has built up for Dà ©lys Ltd by selling out. But she knows everything has its price. Conclusion At the end, studying about several criteria of the Dà ©lys Limited Production, Market and the product and looking over the diversified available strategic option we could conclude the assignment. Expending the range of desserts and sweets can be the good strategic option including ambient and frozen, as U.K person are health conscious so making the product may be the effective option for Dà ©lys Limited. As Delays Limited has no any retail outlets its open to open the retail outlets may also be profitable, supplying mass-market through caterers and airlines may me seasonal options. Dà ©lys limited if licence producer to use Dà ©lys name on other food may be that suitable option in a United Kingdom market as it itself developed a good image and goodwill in a market. Diversifying into other product may also help in expending the market share. And Making product for niche market such as gluten intolerants and products for specific ethnic and religion groups who have specific dietary needs may not work in United Kingdom market. When expanding into new markets credit managers need to be concerned about the new client base, specific trade laws that may apply currency considerations and political risk. The treasury department may consider working capital concerns, advance rates from their traditional credit facility and loan covenants as part of the overall strategy. Selecting which country to sell into is often dictated by the products we produce. For example, lets say Dà ©lys Ltd. provides Cake and Pastries that are ideal for economically challenged nations. They are low cost, light weight and easily produced worldwide. Companies such as Dà ©lys Ltd may have expertise in foreign languages, laws and customs. They need a strategic partner who brings these skills to the table.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Lessons from the Fog of War Essay
The War in Afghanistan was launched on October 7, 2001 by the United States and the United Kingdom in response to the September 11, 2001 Al Qaeda attacks. It marked the beginning of President George Bush’s Great War against Terrorism. The Iraqi War refers to the United States-led invasion of Iraq which began on March 20, 2003. The invasion was prompted by the common belief amongst the US-led coalition that Saddam Hussein had managed to achieve nuclear and chemical warfare capability that could fall into the hands of terrorists. In both the cases the United States and its allies have got bogged down in situations where it they can neither afford to pull out nor up the ante and charge forward. Robert McNamara who was the Secretary of Defense under President John F Kennedy and President Lyndon Johnson speaks about his experiences of war and the lessons he learnt from them during his eventful career in the award-winning documentary The Fog of War. The very title of the documentary is a statement on the nature of war which McNamara says is â€Å"so complex that it is beyond the capability of the human mind to fully comprehend it. †In the documentary, McNamara basically speaks about his experiences of the Cuban missile crisis and the Vietnamese War of the 1960s and 1970s. McNamara believes that the United States was able to avoid a war that would probably have turned nuclear and could still manage to get the Soviet missiles off Cuban soil primarily because it could empathize with its enemy. The United States was able to appreciate the exact political situation Nikita Khrushchev was in when the confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States came to a head. In the face of his party hardliners Khrushchev needed a face-saving excuse to get out of Cuba and avoid a possible nuclear war. In the case of Vietnam, however, this was not possible as the United States did not know the Vietnamese well enough to be able to empathize with them. The situations in Iraq and Afghanistan are also similar to Vietnam. Did the United States and it allies care to know the Iraqis or the Afghans well enough to be able to empathize with them? In the case of Saddam Hussein, the United States failed to appreciate the political circumstances that guided the actions of the dictator and clubbed him together with the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks. In doing so, they have created a situation which could have very well turned advantageous for the terrorists. The situation in Iraq is now quite the perfect breeding grounds for terrorists who see the United States and its allies as the enemy that wants to destroy them and their religion. In Afghanistan too, despite all claims that the United States may make, for the Afghan the every American represents an enemy who has bombed their homes and killed their near and dear ones. Referring to his tenure in Ford, McNamara gives the example of their effort to analyze accident data to device ways and means to provide safety to people in cars. Once they were able to get the accurate data, McNamara and his colleagues found that problems in packaging people in cars were the main cause of fatalities in accidents, and could come up with simple safety devices such as the seat belt which resulted in the saving of more than 20,000 lives every year in the United States alone. The importance of getting the data, and the accurate data, is quite evident in the case of Iraq and Saddam Hussein. Both the United States and the United Kingdom failed to obtain accurate data in the case of Iraq and also in the case of Afghanistan to a certain extent. With accurate data not being available, things were bound to go wrong. The very next lesson that McNamara speaks of in the documentary becomes immediately applicable in the case of both Iraq and Afghanistan – the fact that what we see believe in and see can often both be wrong. McNamara cites the example of the supposed torpedo attacks by North Vietnamese patrol boats on the US destroyer Maddox on August 2, 1964 and again on the Maddox and its sister ships on August 4, 1964. The August 2 attack was real enough, but President Johnson and the United States did not believe it to be true and chose to ignore it; the August 4 attacks were most probably conjured up by predisposed and stressed minds, but were taken to be real enough by the United State’s administration to launch attacks on North Vietnam. The dictum that we see what we choose to believe in is exemplified in the case of Afghanistan and Iraq. The United States believed that Iraq had manufactured nuclear weapons and that both Afghanistan and Iraq supported Islamic terrorists, and literally saw what they believed in. These attitudes precipitated both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The failure to find Saddam Hussein’s stockpile of nuclear arsenal proved the belief long, albeit too late. The deteriorating conditions in Iraq and Afghanistan and the continued resistance of the people have also made it clear that the populations under seize hate the occupation forces not because Iraqis and Afghans are terrorists but because they perceive the Americans as aggressors. And more and more of the occupied people turn towards the terrorists. Thousands of people have died from both sides of these wars. McNamara however feels proportionality should be a guideline of war. That raises the question whether the destruction of the Iraqi and Afghan societies and deaths of the thousands of American soldiers on the battlefield can be justified proportionally by the objectives that these wars hope to achieve. The end of global terrorism would demand a heavy price, but is this the right price to pay? McNamara says that one has to engage in evil in order to do good, the deaths and destruction in Iraq and Afghanistan could very well be the necessary evil to achieve the good of ridding the world of terrorism and making it a far more safer and secure place for the future generations. Yet human nature will never change, and McNamara admits that every general makes mistakes in wars. So are Afghanistan and Iraq mistakes, or they still shrouded in the fog of war?
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Biography Of Ancient Greek Poet Homer - 2350 Words
Johnathan Kennedy World Literature 212-WID3 Monday,Wednesday/8:30pm-9:45pm Research Paper #1 March 28,2016 Biography of Ancient Greek Poet Homer Homer was an unbelievable antiquated Greek writer who composed the stories, the Iliad and the Odyssey. These stories were a piece of Western ordinance of writing and extraordinarily affected the historical backdrop of writing. The real time and area of his living is still questionable. The old Greek antiquarian, Herodotus evaluated that Homer lived 400 years before him, which was around 850 BC, though the other old sources put him around Trojan War in twelfth century BC. Be that as it may, the advanced researchers decide his season of referring so as to live the period in which the sagas were composed. They express that the two legends were made around eighth century BC and that the Iliad was composed couple of decades before the Odyssey. Some later researchers assessed the date of formation of stories around seventh century. Couple of researchers even say that the Homeric sonnets step by step created and got to be altered messages just in sixth century. Researchers like Martin West, expresses that Homer is not the name of a chronicled writer, but rather an invented or built name. The Homeric sagas were broadly credited for impacting the Greek culture and Homer was viewed as the instructor of Greece. There is no dependable true to life data about the life of Homer. His accuracy is still an issue of verbalShow MoreRelatedHomer: Blind or Captive Essay513 Words  | 3 PagesHave you ever wondered who Homer is? Have you ever heard of Homer? Do you know what he wrote? Do you know when he lived? All of these questions will be answered in the following paragraphs. Homer is an interesting man, not much is known about him, and what is known about him is questioned by the â€Å"Homeric Question,†he composed The Iliad and The Odyssey, and that is what his life is based off of. Homer means blind or captive. 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