Saturday, November 30, 2019
PREFACE Essays - Social Philosophy, Philosophy Of Life,
PREFACE The moral development of the Filipino youth is very crucial. Changes in society in terms of social responsibility, honesty, integrity, and justice need to be hastened. Regime after regime has come and gone but the Filipino has not taken stock himself and decisively say, I am for God, therefore, all my actions should support this conviction of mine. This fourth year Values Education Book recognizes the wisdom of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports to embark on a cognitive learning of values leading to the affective domain ending in the values being concretized in daily living. The main concept of spirituality that would result in something concrete to guide the Filipino is, Spirituality, religiosity is faith embodied in and expressed through culture. (Jose M. de Mesa, 1991) Faith is the response a Filipino makes to the gift of life and love that he has received from the Almighty. The book starts from helping the students know themselves and their capacity for spiritual growth. The opportunities for this spirituality to grow are also presented. He is given the joy to know that his culture is very rich in leading him to achieve the fullness of his being a man. Concepts to build a man, a community, a society and a world characterized with the values of truth, justice, unity and peace are presented. Nationalism is also developed not as separate from spirituality but integral in the development of the morality of a person. We all need to forge our minds, hearts and deeds to reach the destiny, which the Almighty has for our country, our world and our fellowmen. This book is a small contribution to our nation's ardent desire for moral recovery and the big leap to hurdle it is your conviction to grow in all aspects of your humanity - the most important aspects morally and spiritually. The competencies the Secondary Education Development Program (SEDP) has set for the Values Education is the basis of all the concepts and strategies presented in this book. From the Author UNIT I The adolescent lives his life according to the philosophies he has developed. Going through the lessons leads the student to know more of himself. Knowing his self who has always been loved and cared for by God is a strong means of developing growth in spirituality. Positive and negative ways are discovered in the activities. The identification of the reasons for his way of life and seeing the source of all of them are always helpful to grow into a self - fulfilled person. Spirituality anchored in the trust and love of God develops a self who does not take the pains to improve and grow according to God's plan for everyone. LESSON 1 MATURITY AND SPIRITUALITY INTRODUCTION A person's spirituality grows just like any part of his physical self. JOURNEYING INTO ONESELF Check the statements that show a maturing personality. 1.______________ I am the center of all attention. 2.______________ My friend's opinions matter. 3.______________ I should be attended to always. 4.______________ My opinions are always the best. 5.______________ Others have to be heard also. 6.______________ If it does not satisfy me it is not good. 7.______________ I must always be rewarded for the good thing I do. 8.______________ I feel good being called a good student. 9.______________ I have to do my share in society. Did you check items 2, 5, and 9? Why these items show someone growing in both spiritual and moral aspects of life? Why do you think you checked them? Why did you not check them? Are you satisfied that you haven't grown much in your spiritual and moral development? Can you improve on them? How? MORAL AND SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT (Adapted from Piaget & Langer-Werner and applied to Kohlberg's Stage of Moral Development) ________________________________________________________________________ An interaction between the individual's structural capacities, the factors in the environment and experiences that lead to moral development. ________________________________________________________________________ INNATE STRUCTURE STAGE 1 Experience ME ALONE Accommodation/ But I need others for many things reward/punishment Feedback Adaptation STAGE 2 Ex ME FIRST But I need more physical things; I need I give you favors, and I expect you acceptance to give back in return Acc/Fb Ad STAGE 3 Ex GOOD BOY/NICE GIRL But there are conflicting claims of meeting expectations and winning different groups acceptance Acc/Fb Ad STAGE 4 Ex LAW AND ORDER But is the law always morally right? - law/rules duty; doing my share in - can the rules always respond to all society situations that may arise? - systematized: larger group as
Monday, November 25, 2019
Global Warming Essays - Climate Change, Greenhouse Gases
Global Warming Essays - Climate Change, Greenhouse Gases Global Warming Meghan McDonald McDonald 1 Mr.Hrkal OAC World Issues December 18th, 2000 Global Warming Now, for the first time in Earth's history, humans may be a decisive factor in future climate change. The actions we make towards the temperature of the earth and the depletion of the ozone layer are irreversible. A warmer future could result from present-day human activities releasing large amounts of heat-trapping gases into the air. These greenhouse gases are part of the reason for the 1F (.5C) rise in global average temperature documented over the past 100 years. If the Earth's temperature continues to rise as predicted, future global warming could happen faster than any climate change of the last 10,000 years. If so, future variations in local climate could be even more disruptive than those of the past. Fossil fuels, which release carbon dioxide when burned, are used to generate electricity; heat and light homes and workplaces; power factories and run cars. Unless we reduce population growth and use of fossil fuels, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will double by s ometime in the middle of the next century. The future of Earth's climate may depend partly on the buildup of heat-trapping gases, primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, in the atmosphere. Industrialized nations now release the most carbon dioxide. But how can this world wide disaster be stopped? To fully understand the magnitude of this problem, we must look at the causes McDonald 2 of global warming, what is being done to stop the problem, consequences of this issue, and how we can prevent it. What is Global Warming? The depletion of the ozone layer and global warming are a result of the heat trapping abilities of greenhouse gases. The glass panels of a greenhouse and the Earths atmosphere are both transparent to sunlight, and both trap heat. Energy from the sun drives the earths weather and climate, and heats the earths surface; in turn, the earth radiates energy back into space. Atmospheric greenhouse gases trap some of the outgoing energy, retaining heat somewhat like the glass panels of a greenhouse. Thus creating the greenhouse effect. At present, the Earth appears to be facing a rapid warming, which most scientists believe results, at least in part, from human activities. The chief cause of this warming is thought to be the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which releases into the atmosphere carbon dioxide and other substances known as greenhouse gases. As the atmosphere becomes richer in these gases, it becomes a better insulator, retaining more of the heat provi ded to the planet by the Sun. Through years of abuse and neglect, the situation continues to worsen. Some may feel that Global warming is inevitable, and that the climate will change no matter what. This is partly true. Climate does change all the time, but it changes slowly. We are doing it at enormous speeds, 60 times faster than normal. McDonald 3 Greenhouse Gases All life on Earth relies on the greenhouse effect, without it, the planet would be colder by about 33-Celsius degrees, and ice would cover Earth from pole to pole. However, a growing excess of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere threatens to head in the other direction, toward continual warming. Carbon dioxide is the most abundant greenhouse gas followed by methane and nitrous oxide. Carbon dioxide flows into the atmosphere from many natural processes, such as volcanic eruptions; the respiration of animals, which breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide; and the burning or decay of organic matter, such as plants. Humans escalate the amount of carbon dioxide released to the atmosphere when they burn fossil fuels, solid wastes, and wood products to heat buildings, drive vehicles, and generate electricity. At the same time, the number of trees available to absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis has been greatly reduced by deforestation, the long-term destruction of forests b y indiscriminate cutting of trees for lumber or to clear land for agricultural activities. Methane is an even more effective insulator, trapping over 21 times more heat than does the same amount of carbon dioxide. Methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural gas, and oil. Methane also comes from rotting organic waste in landfills, and it
Friday, November 22, 2019
Bpo Attrition- the Problem and Its Solution
Human Resources In Indian Business Process Outsourcing Organizations- Attrition. Is there any solution? Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is likely to be the next big thing for services in this decade. The industry is very diverse, with several sub-segments, each displaying its own unique characteristics. The BPO players need to be excellent in every facet of operations as the market is highly competitive at every level and re-defining itself every day. Being a People-Centric industry what are the people issues that, the HR will have to handle? What are the challenges faced by HR in dealing with them? HI Before this, one needs to gain an understanding about BPOs and what businesses are Indian companies doing in this segment? BPO is based on the premise that whatever competencies are not very important for an organization (not their core competencies); outsource or ask somebody else who is adept at doing it, to do it for the organization. In this way the organization can concentrate on its core competencies and not worry about on trivial issues, which are not strategic in nature. But these days we even find organizations outsourcing their core competencies or the core business aspects to BPOs to gain the advantage of cost cutting and quality issues. Typically, BPO would include call centers, problem solving in insurance sector to other sophisticated activities like research and other back office dealings. India has the advantage of low cost, highly qualified English speaking labour, thus most of the BPO ventures in India are call centers, although of late, companies are entering into high-end areas like research. But for sometime at least we can assume that most of the companies would be doing the call center kind of business. Most of these kinds of jobs get done in the night in India to account for the 12-hour time lag between US and India. Over a period of time the biological rhythm of the employee changes, causing various kind of disorders like indigestion, fatigue, headaches etc. so the health of the employee is a major concern for the HR, more so because most of them are graduates in their early twenties. In addition the jobs are monotonous, often nerve wracking. So it is a challenge for HR to adequately rotate the jobs of employees and provide them with enough time to refresh, so that they are able to deliver service of highest quality. Although many companies are targeting fresh graduates, they are not able to retain them. Attrition continues to be high 35%. HR has to ensure that a proper career path is chalked out so that graduates increasingly see this area as a potential career for them. Clients in US, UK and other European Countries are very quality conscious and as increasingly complex jobs get outsourced, it becomes important that HR ensures right quality people are selected and the right quality of training is provided to them. This ensures that later they do not face embarrassing time from their clients. There has been enormous requirement in this sector for manpower and huge salaries are up for taking. The times are good for this industry, but one has to keep in mind that this industry is still in its way to figure out in the growth stage. One cannot predict the future so easily and the sour experience of software companies is still fresh in minds. So a little bit of caution is to be exercised in this matter and proper trends have to be forecast by the HR to ensure that they do not go the software way when ultimately the industry stabilizes. Attrition †¦ A major problem rocking the Industry. Some Facts to Ponder about†¦ * 95% companies in the industry have Attrition problems * The small-sized and medium-sized companies loose more people * Turnover rates are as high as 30% in some reputed BPOs and over all around 35% in the Industry. Employees move to smaller companies for exciting opportunities and greater identity and move to large companies for defined roles, clearer career paths and better HR systems. Loyalty towards their employer or towards the organization has slowly seems to have disappeared. Executives know that fast-moving markets require fast-moving organizations that are continually refreshed with new talent, and they have become quite adept to outside hiring. Even companies are quite comfortable with bringing in talent; they remain distinctly uncomfortable about seeing talent leave. The competition to headhunt employees with good performance ratings of other organizations is an open ploy. The mediators (so called Consultants) make this job easy for the organizations by gaining the data bases of employees and they lure the employees by offering huge pay packages finally making them to move from their job. One of the biggest assets of the BPO Industry is manpower. So, the biggest challenge in this industry is to attract and retain knowledgeable manpower. Today, BPO companies are facing a shortage of knowledge workers because the rate at which they lose employees is almost ouble the rate at which they hire. A major proportion of the turnover issue is attributed to the movement of manpower to the Companies who lure them by offering either better pay or higher designation. The average stay of an employee in bpo companies has dropped to one year. In such a scenario where companies are fighting to combat global business competition, and struggling to survive, employee turnover comes as a double blow. And the issue of managing employee separation often gets ignored. Just because a business is dependent on Communication skills, for instance, doesnt mean that it has to go to great lengths to retain its employees. If theres a large pool of people with good communication skills available, it might want to focus on recruitment rather than retention. Moreover, since new hires have lower salaries than long-term employees, the company is able to keep a lid on compensation levels. Cooperating with competitors is another way of dealing with retention. Because of the intensity of talent-war, companies instinctively view retention and recruitment as competitive exercises. But history shows that cooperation, even among competitors, can be one of the most effective ways of dealing with talent shortages. A New concept called Anti Poaching agreement between BPO organizations is on the Move. According to this agreement, the parties getting in to the agreement will share their employee databases with each other and so will restrain employees to shift in to each other companies. Lets hope that this works good for the BPOs. Frequent job-hopping of employees is not good for any one, neither for the company nor for the employee in terms of Growth.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
System for Investigating Law Enforcement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
System for Investigating Law Enforcement - Essay Example The system of investigations should be independent to ensure public confidence of the process and to avoid a scenerio police investigating themselves does not arise. The first step is the police officers should be required by law to provide a name and place of duty. This will help in the investigations by being able to confirm that the officer was at the site where the alleged misconduct took place and determine whether the officer exercised certain powers such as arrest or searching of suspects (Ruggiero, 2013). The suspected police officers and the witnesses should be separated and interviewed within 24 hours after the details of the misconduct are reported. The evidence collected should be used for criminal or administrative purposes (van Dongen, Selleslaghs, & Gehem, 2013). To ensure police officers cooperate fully with the investigations officers who fail to participate should be discharged from the police force. To ensure justice is not delayed there should be enforceable deadlines for carrying out investigations (Gounev & Ruggiero, 2012). To avoid delays the concerned police departments should provide the necessary information, and the in vestigators should be able to obtain warrants to get the required information and be able to search private property for any evidence needed. Secondly, my system entails the setting up of an independent agency to deal with cases of serious police misconduct. The agency should be a separate institution from the police force and should be free from political interference. The agency should be dominated by civilian investigates and a minimal number of retired police offices. The civilians should represent the community by having people of different cultural and economic backgrounds. The retired officers should be there only for consolations purposes as the risk of police bias is
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business environment report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3
Business environment report - Essay Example In addition, the company also offers financial and online services across Asia, North America, and Europe. Based on the revenue, it is the third largest retailer in the world behind Carrefour and Wal-Mart, which is the largest. In terms of profit, it surpasses Carrefour to rank only behind Wal-mart. In the UK, its biggest competitors are ASDA and Sainsbury. Tesco’s philosophy is embedded in their desire to expand and grow as is shown by their strategy. Tesco has a consistent and well-established growth strategy that has allowed them to strengthen their core business in the UK, as well as drive their expansion to other markets (Tesco Plc, 2013: p1). This paper will seek to discuss the business environment of Tesco. The business environment analysis will include the micro-economic analysis because it directly impacts the management of the company. A macro-environment analysis will also be essential because it impacts the decisions taken by the management, which will include a PE ST analysis, SWOT analysis, and Porter’s five forces analysis. The paper will also compare Tesco’s financial ratios with those of its biggest UK rival, Sainsbury in order to determine its financial environment and performance. With regards to Tesco’s financial status, the analysis will be made for the period between 2009 and 2011. Finally, the paper will make recommendations as to how Tesco can adapt to the current business environment. Tesco’s Business Environment Analysis Micro Environment factors For Tesco, customers are one of the most important factors of the business. Tesco as an organization gives their customers increased benefits to keep them happy, for example, giving them the best quality and variety of products (Jones et al, 2012: p884). Tesco ensures that they are able to meet the demands of their consumers in an environment where competition is ever increasing, whereas also meeting the expectations of the wider market. Another factor is mate rials, which is important because production and sales at Tesco are directly related to materials. If the material is easily available, the production and sales will increase. Tesco ensures this by storing their material in easily accessible warehouses. Employees are another important micro-environmental factor. Tesco ensures that they have the best staff for them to offer better service to the consumer. Satisfaction of the employees helps to improve the quality of their service and improves their competitiveness (Elearn, 2013: p11). Suppliers are important to Tesco in order to offer competitive service to their customers. Having and maintaining efficient supply chains improves their ability to get orders delivered on time. Getting the material delivered on time has various advantages and it is essential for Tesco to maintain a good supplier-user relationship (Elearn, 2013: p12). The shareholders are an important micro-environmental factor, as well. Great organizations require good relations with their shareholders in order to increase their growth. Tesco gives substantial dividends to their shareholders, whereas also allowing their employees and suppliers to buy company shares. This gives added satisfaction to their suppliers and employees, improving their productivity. Media gives Tesco the ability to achieve top sales and, as such, it is an important micro-environmental factor. It is important to get information on new products and services, as well as
Saturday, November 16, 2019
White people Essay Example for Free
White people Essay ?Introduction: In this essay I am going to compose a piece of text which will involve the tension of Segregation. In the 1930s, although 50% of the population of Southern towns were black, they had no vote and could not marry whites. Also in the 1930’s, many black people lived in the southern states. During that time, racism reached its highest point. For instance, the whites treated the blacks very poorly because they thought that the blacks were lower than them. Therefore, the blacks had to fight for the right to be treated equally. As a result, black people had to face the Jim Crow Laws and the Ku Klux Klan. In my own opinion I think that the 1930 was a turbulent time for race relations in America. Paragraph 1: The first racism incident that I have spotted out and chosen to write about in my essay is when the Wallace’s’ poured kerosene over Mr Berry and his nephews and lit them on fire. One of the nephews died, the other one is alive but has the same condition as Mr Berry. The reason why the Wallace’s poured kerosene over the Berry’s was because they caught them flirting with a white woman which wasn’t allowed back then. In fact, it was not even true! The Berry’s didn’t even flirt with her. They lied about it. The quote that goes with this event was when mama (Cassies’ mum) said to her kids, â€Å"The Wallaces did that, children. They poured kerosene over Mr Berry and his nephews and lit them afire. †â€Å"Everyone knows they did it, and the Wallaces even laugh about it, but nothing was ever done. †At this right moment I feel disgusted and baffled that people could actually do this in the 1930s. The sympathy for the Wallace’s has decreased because setting fire to someone is arson and that makes Mr Wallace and his clique an arsonist. Also it makes us feel that the Wallaces are black-hearted and atrocious people, because who would want to set a person on fire? Then laugh about it. The sympathy for the Berrys has definitely increased because of what happened to both Mr Berry and his two nephews is utterly excruciating and the fact that there is no reason behind why the Wallaces did it, makes the reader feel more sorrowful for them. On the other hand in the book it says, â€Å"Disfigured man lying in the darkness†In that quote you can see how dreadful his injuries were. He was even camouflaging with the darkness; see that is real bad? Paragraph 2: The second racism incident that I found very crucial was when Cassie bumped into Lillian Jean Simms by accident but Lillian Jean still DEMANDED for a sorry and for Cassie to get on her knees instantly. As well as this was racism, it was also bullying in some kind of way because Cassie didn’t want to get on her Knees but she still got forced. â€Å"Kicking at the sidewalk, my head bowed. It was then that I bumped into Lillian Jean Simms. †Cassie really didn’t mean to bump into Lillian Jean at all but she took it over the top reacted to the bump by saying, â€Å"why don’t you watch were you’re going? †â€Å"Well apologize†â€Å"That ain’t enough. Get down in the road†This right here is what you call racism. Cassie didn’t intend to bump into Lillian Jean, it was just an accident but because Cassie is black they didn’t care at all. Cassie even got pushed around by Mr Simms. Mr Simms was even sticking up for his daughter even though she was in the wrong. Lillian Jeans’ father was saying to Cassie that when Lillian tells you that you should get off the sidewalk, you get off it. The sympathy towards Lillian Jean Simms has totally decreased because what she did was just too dramatic and it was just a ‘bump’. In my opinion Cassie did not have to go on her knees because she didn’t deliberately bump into her; all that should have been done was an apology to Lillian. My sympathy towards Cassie has increased more. The reason why I said this was because she was intimidated and forced to get on her knees even though she had already shed a tear; they didn’t care, they just wanted an apology from her. Conclusion: To sum up I think that Racism is totally unacceptable and utterly inglorious. In this novel I think that Taylor was trying to put across the fact of what the black people had to go through in the 1930s every day of their lives, and how their wouldn’t even be an us our even a peaceful world if racism was still occurring. I also think that Taylor is trying to compare today’s life to the 1930s and too see how much the black people suffered.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Womans Struggle For Independence Essay -- essays research papers fc
Woman's Struggle for Independence Women have had to fight for there independence. They have been repressed for a long period of history. Only recently have women started to gain respect as equals and individuals. Even today women are still looked down upon for there sex. From the begging of history women have been viewed as a lesser sex. In the time Mesopotamia women we in charge of the children and the home. In Ancient Egypt women had no power or authority. Women were viewed as property. The Hebrews, alto respecting women, did not allow them to own any property or to have an active place in government. In Rome women were not allowed to voice there opinions. They were viewed as lesser beings, who's role in society was to give birth and to take care of children. They were property of there husbands and not viewed as individuals. There husband was there master and women we practically slaves and was often mistreated by there husband. A servant to the male sex. During the middle ages women still has almost no rights. They still didn't have the right to voice there opinion and were still viewed as property. If they disobeyed there male role model they were punished. The art of the Renaissance gave women some freedom to voice there opinion about the arts and social issues as long as there opinions weren't very radical. However women were only the objects in the arts. They were the models and not the creators. They were not allowed to express themselves but only to be expressed by others. This lead into the period of the Reformation, women were still viewed as property and the homemakers. They did not really get there place in society. The 17th century was the first real growth of the women's movement. Up until this time women had been in the same category as property or slaves. But as the French society moved toward revolution women began to speak of the injustice against them. "The Vindication of Rights of Women (1792) called for the extension of the principle of the liberty to women and urging that equal public education be made available for men and women" (Perry, 289). This list of the right that women were lacking was one of the first attempts at creating a legislation that included women in its laws. During the scientific revolution men were making discoveries and coming up with new ideas all over the world. This was not possible for women beca... ...tes presidents wife for example. Women such as these have a great deal of power and influation, but they wouldn't have this if it wasn't for there husbands. The idea that a woman can work and be just as productive as a man a receive the same rewards happens to a point. The majority of the heads of corporations are men, women make a lesser salary and aren't promoted as much as men. As a woman rises in power in a company she usually gets to a point and then the promotions stop. This event of a sudden stop in promotion has been called "The Glass Ceiling effect" (Lunt). This can only be explained as women are still being treated as a lesser being to men. The reason why women are inferior to men is still unknown. It has been around for as long as men and women have walked the earth. Hopefully soon it will disappear completely and we can all be viewed as equals. Works Cited and Works Consulted Golden, Richard and Thomas Kuehn. Western Societies. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993. Lowenthal, David. The Past and Foreign Country. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985. Lunt, Richard. Lectures. Perry, Marvin. Western Civilizations. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1993.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Ampalaya Cupcake
INTRODUCTION Cupcake is considered to be one of the best and popular desserts in the world. It was then introduced in the United States in the 19th century, and it was revolutionary because of the amount of time it saved in the kitchen. The name of the cupcake originated from the two theories: the cakes were originally cooked in cups and the other one the ingredients used to make the cupcakes were measured out by cups (Food Timeline Web).On the early part, cupcakes were called â€Å"number†cakes, for reasons that they were easy to remember by the measurements of ingredients it took to create them but today cupcakes have expanded to a wide variety of ingredients, measurements, shapes and decorations. Cupcakes were convenient because they cooked much quicker than larger cakes. When baking was down in hearth ovens, it would consume a lot of time to bake a cake, and the final product would often be burned. Since their creation in 20th century, cupcakes have become a pop culture t rend in the culinary world.They have spawned dozens of bakeries, devoted entirely to cupcakes that have popped up all over the country, and not just in metropolitan cities. Chefs and bakers publish books with decorating tips and fancy ideas for ingredients to use in cupcake. Food magazines publish special issues with full-color photography and recipes submitted all over the country. Blogs are also updated every day with cupcake news and recipes Due to this phenomenon the BBS Corporation decided to innovate the cupcake to have twists not only with its taste but also with its nutritional value content as well.Ampalaya will be our main ingredient. Ampalaya or Bitter Melon/Bitter Gourd is a vegetable that grows in Asia, the Caribbean, East Africa and South America. People eat it as a food as well as use it for medicinal purposes to help treat conditions including diabetes, cancer and viral infections. Bitter melon affects certain hormones, including insulin and leptin. Due to its bitter taste many people don’t like to eat Amplaya even though it is healthy. As a result of this, The BBS Corporation decided to put different flavors of fruit jam such as strawberry, banana and mango jam as our minor ingredients, with this many lients will be interested on ordering our product and will be at the same time enjoying and benefited on the convenience of eating our Ampalaya Cupcake. Thus, our clients will be more health conscious and will not hesitate to consume vegetable and pastry that are getting rid off before. With this the BBS Corporation with one of its vision is to always exceed expectation and become the best in Class by making things happen and getting things done. BITTER BETTER SWEET CORPORATION MISSION-VISION MISSIONThe BBS Corporation aims that it will always exceed expectation and become the best in Class by making things happen and getting things done. VISION To be the leading and preferred manufacturer and distributor of Cupcakes in the Philippines tha t would furnish customer's desire for a new unique flavor and taste by consistently serving a unique best tasting, high quality cupcake through fast, efficient and friendly service in a clean, fun and wholesome environment. We seek to promote high quality made products with affordable price adding great taste and health benefits in oneType of Business The Bitter Better Sweet Corporation started in motion with a set of persons who loves to produce new kinds of product related in baking. The six individuals organized to be incorporated and create new invention that is new and fresh to the tastes of every individual. The proponents create its name to make it more catchy and appealing to our customers. The Bitter, symbolizes and defines the characteristic and taste of Ampalaya (Bitter melon/ Bitter Ground) while the Better, defines the health benefits of eating our product.Sweets, represent the chocolate that we will use in the top coat of the cupcake. To the core of passion in baking t he group decided to formulate a brilliant innovation on the conventional cupcake, in line with that the proponents came up with a twist on the product by making the ordinary cupcake became as a Ampalaya Cupcake (Bitter melon Cupcake). Offering this cupcake to our target market it shall integrate the interpretation of every individual that Ampalaya (Bittermelon) is very hard to eat since it has a bitter taste.The proponent has confidence that this kind of product will not be pleasing and appetizing nevertheless it will also have healthy components that will add to its uniqueness and quality prospectively ahead of the rest. Being the first one to discover this kind of product is very enchanting to everyone; the proponents pursue to their plan to start a business and prepare themselves for any risk that they will face on the succeeding years of their business.Through this basis the proponents have the idea to begin a new creation of the BBS Corporation first product, the Ampalaya (Bitt er melon) flavored cupcake that can be competitive enough to the local and global industry. Management Highlights The Management Highlights of BBS Corporation is classified into different departments and these are Administrative, Finance, Marketing, and Production in order to be specifying appropriate and needed skills and information. This will help the corporation work faster, easier, more efficient, and at the same time more productive as each of the department is varied according to their expertise.It will also highlight the make use of the best raw materials that we will purchase from all of our suppliers which have selected under the close supervision of quality control and lowest cost that will be delivered immediately to the different target areas and target market such as the restaurants and cafeteria around the Metro Manila to be specific in Murphy, Cubao in order to keep our product fresh and healthy. Marketing Highlights One of the most important elements of any business is advertising and marketing. Today many businesses fail because they were poorly marketed than for any other reason.The most important element marketing for BBS Corporation shall be its location in the sense that the target market will go by and test the product that we offer for them. The proponents will come up with different strategies such as product, price, distribution and promotion of the product that will surely attract our target market. The proponent can easily attract our target market by advertising on the different types of promotions such as billboards, flyers, posters, social networking sites Financial HighlightsThe Financial Highlights of BBS Corporation shall be responsible on taking care of all financial transactions from the raw materials being used up to the overall operational expenses. The initial capital of BBS Corporation will have the total of ? 2,400,000. 00 the amount shall determine the cost of building up the new business with acquisition of all the ne cessary equipments, machineries, tangible and intangible and other supplies needed for the operation of the business. NAME OF PARTNER| TYPE| CAPITAL| SHARE| Leocadio, Vanessa| Incorporator| ? 480,000. 00| 20% share| Lopez, Ceriena| Incorporator| ? 80,000. 00| 20% share| Lotivo,Raiza Jane| Incorporator| ? 480,000. 00| 20% share| Malana, Charmaine| Incorporator| ? 480,000. 00| 20% share| Mariano, Paula Bianca| Incorporator| ? 480,000. 00| 20% share| TOTAL| ? 2,400,000. 00| 100% shares| Socio-Economic Contribution The BBS Corporation will focus on charity events, environment protection and employment. The corporation will support at least two charity events annually by giving them cash donations amounting of P50, 000. 00. This will be the company’s own way of giving back to the community as the company grows.The charity events that the company will sponsored will be tourism events related. At the same time the charity events at the same time will return help to the company by ma king our product familiar to other potential clients or customers. As environment-friendly company, the company makes sure that proper disposal garbage whether it’s in the production or in the office, will be strictly monitored and supervised by the assigned personnel but also by all the employees working for the company as well as all the incorporators and visitors or guests.The proponents will conduct and endow employment and hiring of more workers that are residing in Murphy, Cubao for the company will be provided as the company grows. A. PRODUCT / SERVICE TO SELL I. Benefits, Features and Advantages The company offers cupcakes that are made up of Ampalaya (bitter melon) which, as we all know, have many health benefits. Fillings are added within these cupcakes which a customer can choose between banana, cheese, mango ; strawberry jam. The company has its own uniqueness in order to make our product marketable and more appealing compared to its competitors. Therefore, BBS Co . rovided a list mainly concerned about the Benefits, Advantages and Features of the product. BENEFITS| ADVANTAGES| FEATURES| BBS cupcakes state that it is healthy because of its incorporation of Ampalaya, which is widely recognized as alternative medicine. BBS cupcakes used dark chocolate in the cupcake for low sugar content. The sugar used will later be turned to energy for the body needs. BBS cupcakes used the Strawberry Jam, a very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Vitamin C. BBS Cupcakes Used The Banana Jam which majority of the people knows that it is rich in calories, but very low in fats.It contains good amount of health benefiting anti-oxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Lastly is the Mango Jam which is very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Dietary Fiber and Vitamin B6, and a very good source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. | The cupcake is the first Ampalaya incorporated cupcake. Providing a unique and new product for clients. BBS cupcakes have health benefits compared to other cupcake brands. BBS cupcakes are appealing for health-conscious people, particularly diabetic. BBS cupcakes have cheaper price with the use of fresh ingredients.The cupcakes are filled with fruit jams that contain nutrients that are essential for the body. | BBS cupcakes provide a new taste because of Ampalaya, without the bitterness. BBS cupcakes can be served as a good dessert for a meal. BBS cupcakes state that it is a healthy product, which provide customers’ cravings and new desires. The products are filled with fruit jams in strawberry, banana and mango which goes well with the Ampalaya cupcake. | TARGET MARKET II. Area Coverage 1. Market Description Cupcakes are no longer just the domain of the school bake sale.Cupcakes are now perfect for all occasions or even without occasion, everyone can have it. Other shops now even offer cupcakes just for pets. With creative designs and delicious fla vors, the dessert is a chic addition to cafes, hotels, restaurants, tea shops and the bakery section of the local grocery store. Made with a few basic ingredients, cupcakes can be made on the cheap and sold at a high margin. With this, the group decided to choose the said product to be sold in Cubao where it is so populated. Big number of people in an area means more demand for food, and this big demand means a greater chance of making sales.The product gives a new twist to every cupcake in the industry which makes it marketable and the bakery in Cubao is very accessible and strategic. By this, we can earn profit in a fast pace and be known around the Metro Manila very quickly. 2. Target Market Profile GENERAL MARKET| PEOPLE/BUSINESS INVOLVED| DESCRIPTION| Middlemen| Sales managers, Purchasing managers, Officers/individuals, Sales Representatives. | . Negotiation will have much less hassle with their help for they can make sure that the buyer of product will get quality products tha t BBS Co. produces. Clients| Direct Sell to Cafes, Tea shops, Hotels, Restaurants and other members of the industry said. | BBS Co. will give attention and will be hands-on in direct selling transactions to these clients. | Direct Consumers| People who will buy from clients. (E. g. students, locals, cupcake lovers)| These people will play a main role in consuming and demanding the product from BBS Co. clients. | III. Consumer / Customer 3. Consumer Buying Behavior Cupcakes offer the taste of a regular-sized cake or pastry in a convenient, portable form and are less expensive, which makes them even more desirable to consumers.They are the new trend in the industry today, especially those in style. But it is said that not all cupcakes are healthy. With these statements, it just says that people have their reason for buying unhealthy cupcake products. The cupcake trend sweeping retail and in-store bakeries has extended its reach to supermarket shelves. Cupcakes' popularity grew with help from the show Sex and the City where the lead characters ate cupcakes at Manhattan's upscale Magnolia Bakery. Before long, cupcake towers began replacing traditional wedding cakes and birthday cakes. Cupcakes are also great for kids because they don’t have to share.Surprisingly, it became one of the reasons of childhood obesity. This was carefully considered by the proponents of this project. They made and formulated a cupcake with a twist of bitter melon which regulates blood and sugar level. The cupcake is affordable, accessible and carefully devised to favor the cravings of the demand and the taste wouldn’t what you think of as a bitter cupcake, well it is not. It is also in a stylish form and could be customized with our consideration if a customer wishes to. This will help to market the product in the target market.To get on with those rival companies, the idea was conceptualized to make the product more appealing and crave-getter. The cupcakes, which are tasty and affordable, are also healthy. Real and fresh bitter melon will be included in the cupcakes so that they will not be just yummy, but also health-wise. The proponents of the study considered such factors to assume how the clients and customers will react to the competitiveness of the product. Cafes like Twinsiescafe in Oregon ; Buttercream coffee and cupcakes in Florida made a cupcake much more than just another sweet treat, but to be honest, they want to make it a life style.They offer gourmet cupcakes to any variety of cupcakes that goes along well with coffee, making them potential for customers. They want customers and friends can enjoy delicious and fresh cupcakes that compliment with their coffees. That is why cafes are one of our possible clients. Tea Shops, one particular example is Moon Leaf which offers cupcakes as their compliment for their teas. Well, the product that our corporation offers is a healthy one which will be considered to tea shops who prefers a healthy lifestyle for their customers and clients.Just like cafes, the great factor is that buyers want to get quality food and beverage at a reasonable price. In restaurants, a complete meal may come up with cupcake as their dessert. The common desserts are ice cream, fruits, brownies and other confectionery products. Since cupcake fit in this industry, the proponents made restaurants as possible market for the bitter melon cupcakes of BBS Co. The restaurants that will be supplied with the product will then offer them as a dessert or separate product to be sold in their company.The customers in restaurants are primarily not sensitive to price so it will not be a reason to hesitate to the affordable cupcake that is offered. The reason that the proponents chose hotels as a client is that most of them today offer a wide variety of goods as their complimentary product. Those products can also be received by the customers as an appreciation or gift for their stay in such hotels. Sinc e our product is affordable, it would not be a hassle for a hotel company to decide and use them as a premium item or sell them in their restaurant inside the hotel as dessert or separate item.Lastly, small bakeries are considered as client since other bakeries get their product from their suppliers. BBS cupcakes are appealing and affordable which will make the customers want to buy these products. We will target those bakeries that start as a home-based bakery and grow from there. The benefit to this, of course, is low overhead. All those mentioned above are just considerations of what is observed in the customers and their company behavior. The proponents of BBS Co. will make them clients and be considerate of the profitability in managing the operation.To the customers considering their behaviors, the strategic and accessibility should be maintained to make it marketable. B. DEMAND AND SUPPLY ANALYSIS | Historical| Projected| YEAR| 2008| 2009| 2010| 2011| 2012| 2013| 2014| 2015| 2016| 2017| Demand| 3. 7M| 3. 9M| 4M| 3. 6M| 4M| 3. 4M| 3. 3M| 3. 5M| 4M| 3. 2M| Supply| 3. 2M| 3. 5M| 3. 9M| 3. 5M| 4M| 3. 25M| 3. 2M| 3. 45M| 3. 95M| 3. 15M| GAP| 500k| 400k| 100k| 100k| 0| 150k| 100k| 50k| 50k| 50k| Source:http://www. ibisworld. com/industry/global/philippine-bakery-goods-manufacturing. html IV. Historical Demand (Five Years)The proponents have conducted a research about demand for pastries, particularly, cakes and cupcakes. These products are bought every day, especially on occasions and events. Demand for baked and pastry goods is being driven by changing lifestyles. Busy consumers are increasingly quick to buy convenient baked snack foods such as wraps and sandwiches. The global baked goods market has shown rapid recovery following the economic recession, recording strong growth over recent years. Consumers are now willing to spend moderately and demand high quality for their money, an equation for which retail bakeries are a solution.V. Projected Demand (Five Years) Product innovation and healthier products and ingredients are fuelling buyer growth in this industry. Emerging markets represent good market potential as western lifestyles and eating habits continue to be adopted in these regions. During these five years, cupcake companies will have a larger number until it is hard to enter and make this business profitable. This will increase competition for cupcake companies and will result to innovation after innovation and up-down demand because of instability of whom the consumers will buy their products. VI.Historical supply (Five Years) Different small cupcake companies have opened, including suppliers and direct-sellers. The total market size for the Retail and Wholesale Bakeries industry includes supply on all companies. The ‘Great Cupcake Rush of ‘09’, from coast to coast, over the past year the United States has been described as an almost inexplicable spread of cupcakeries around the world. This led the whole world to make cupcake as a business, particularly Asia which includes Philippines. Bakeries can be affected by price swings of the raw inputs. VII. Projected Supply (Five Years)It is predicted that the big growth of cupcake industry will end up on stability of its supply. Growth within the cake decoration stores industry is expected to slow to 3. 7 percent annually over the next five years, according to an October 2011. Smaller number of the said industry will enter this business due to big number of competitors. This forecast represents a dip from the growth that the industry was predicted to have enjoyed during the past five years. VIII. Demand Gap (Five Years) The demand gap shows the difference between supply and demand products.The ability to the market the product are determined by the interaction of supply and demand. C. MARKET RESEARCH IX. Procedure in Conducting Market Research The researchers devised questionnaires that would help in the study for the product in diligently manipulating the market research. These were distributed to available coffee shops, restaurants, bakeries, hotels and tea shops then tallied the results after producing the complete market research. X. Respondents Profile The researchers conveyed the survey on available coffee shops, restaurants, hotels, tea shops or even other small bakeries within Metro Manila Area.XI. Survey Results and Analysis Questionnaires are distributed to complete the market study. Questions are made up of answers that can help in developing the conclusion to the research. Some questions show facts that would answer problems of research that is being finished. SURVEY QUESTIONNARE Name (optional): ___________________________________________ Position: _______________________________ Age: ____________ Company: ________________________________________________ Directions: Do answer the following questions by encircling your best choice. 1. Does your business willing to sell cupcakes particularly made up of Amp alaya, also called as bitter melon? a. Yesb. No 2. ) Have you already chosen supplier for cupcakes? a. Yesb. No 3. ) What quality are you looking to purchase cupcakes from a supplier? a. Tastec. Aesthetic b. Price d. Others (Pls. specify) _______________ 4. ) Approximately, how much are you are you willing to spend to purchase cupcakes from your supplier per month? a. ? 10,000 – 20,000 b. ? 21,000 – 30,000 c. ?31,000 – 40,000 d. Others (Pls. specify) _______________________ 5. What do you prefer for your mode of post payment? a. 15 daysc. 45 days b. 30 daysd. Others (Pls. specify) _______________ 6. ) If possible, do you want our company to be your supplier for these healthy cupcakes? a. Yesb. No (Why? ) _______________________ 7. ) Personally, how many times in the last month have you purchased cupcake per month? a. 1c. 3 b. 5d. Others (Pls. specify) _______________ The following data shows the result of the survey. GRAPHS QUESTION No. 1: Does your business wil ling to sell cupcakes particularly made up of Ampalaya, also called as bitter melon?On Figure 1. 0 shows that 96% are willing to sell Ampalaya cupcake and the remaining 4% refused to sell cupcakes due to managerial reasons. This explain that majority of the respondents are willing to sell Ampalaya Cupcake to the market. QUESTION No. 2: Have you chosen supplier for cupcakes? Figure 2. 0 Number of respondents that already chosen a cupcake supplier On Figure 2. 0 shows that 92% of the respondents have not chosen their supplier it is either they do not have their cupcakes to sell so they have no supplier and others make their own pastries.Only 8% have their supplier. QUESTION No. 3: What quality are you looking to purchase cupcakes from a supplier? Figure 3. 0 Qualities that the Respondents look for in a Cupcake Supplier On Figure 3. 0 shows that most of the respondents refer to the taste of the cupcake which is in 58%, 28% give importance to the price, 8% for the appearance or aestheti c and 6% for other reasons such as location of supplier and quality of the product. QUESTION No. 4: Approximately, How much are you willing to spend to purchase cupcakes from your supplier per month? Figure 4. Price Competitiveness On Figure 4. 0 shows that 46% of the respondents are willing to spend ? 10,000-? 20,000 for purchasing cupcakes per month. While 28% of the respondents are willing to spend ? 21,000- 30,000, as 10% for 31,000 to 40,000 and 16% for other price which all refers to smaller amount among the choices. QUESTION No. 5: What do you prefer for your mode of post payment? Figure 5. 0 Mode of Post Payment On Figure 5. 0 shows that most of the respondents prefer to pay the moment they get the cupcakes they will buy from their supplier which is 46%. 6% prefer 15 -day credit payment and 12% for 30 days. QUESTION No. 6: If possible, Do you want our corporation (BBS Co. ) to be your supplier for these healthy cupcakes? Figure 6. 0 Interest Rate of supplying the product On Figure 6. 0 shows that 96% of the respondents are open to make BBS Co. as their supplier for Amplaya Cupcake while 4% are not open due to they already have a supplier and they don’t want to have a supplier. QUESTION NO. 7: Personally, How many times in the last month have you purchased cupcake per month? Figure 7. 0 Number of Times Purchasing a CupcakeOn Figure 7. 0 shows that as an individual the respondents purchase cupcakes every month. 44% of the respondents said that they buy cupcakes probably 5 times every month, 28% said that the quantity they buy varies every month, 20% said 3 times a month and 8% buy once either in a box/pack or per piece. D. PROJECTED SALES XII. Per Month in a Year SALES PLAN FORECAST for 2013| Ampalaya Cupcake’s Fillings| Month| Ampalaya-Banana Cupcake| Ampalaya- Cheese Cupcake| Ampalaya Mango Cupcake| Ampalaya- Strawberry- Cupcake| Monthly Units| January| 9,380| 9,380| 9,380| 9,380| 37,520|February| 8,954| 8,955| 8,954| 8,955| 35,818| March | 8,440| 8,440| 8,440| 8,440| 33,760| April| 6,500| 6,500| 6,500| 6,500| 26,000| May| 6,000| 6,000| 6,000| 6,000| 24,000| June| 8,693| 8,693| 8,693| 8,693| 34,772| July| 8,440| 8,440| 8,440| 8,440| 33,760| August| 6,495| 6,495| 6,495| 6,495| 25,980| September| 7,160| 7,160| 7,160| 7,160| 28,640| October| 7,155| 7,155| 7,155| 7,155| 28,620| November| 7,690| 7,690| 7,690| 7,690| 30,760| December| 8,635| 8,635| 8,635| 8,635| 34,540| Annual Units| 93,542| 93,543| 93,542| 93,543| 374,170| Packages Sales Plan for 2013|Product| Ampalaya-Banana Cupcake| Ampalaya- Cheese Cupcake| Ampalaya Mango Cupcake| Ampalaya- Strawberry- Cupcake| Annual Units (Box)| Box of 1| 46,802 boxes/ pieces cupcakes| 46,803 boxes/ pieces cupcakes| 46,802 boxes/ pieces cupcakes| 46,803 boxes/ pieces cupcakes| 187,210 boxes/pieces cupcakes| Box of 6| 7,790 boxes(46,740 pieces cupcakes)| 7,790 boxes(46,740 pieces cupcakes)| 7,790 boxes(46,740 pieces cupcakes)| 7,790 boxes(46,740 pieces cupcakes)| 31,160 boxes (186,960 pieces cupcakes)| Total| 54,592 boxes| 54,593 boxes| 54,592 boxes| 54,593 boxes| 218,370 boxes| XIII. In Volume and In PesosThe Sales Plan Forecast for 2013 table shown in Page 17 shows that BBS Co. will keep its product profitable by making the gap between produced and sold cupcakes very small. The cupcakes will be sold for Php44. 00 per piece to our clients. It will give Php39. 00 profit per cupcake. The suggested selling price for their customers will be Php54. 00, giving them a profit of Php10. 00 per cupcake, thus, making the product appealing for the clients because of the profit. They could also sell it for higher price. This graph shows the total sales of BBS Co. in its Ampalaya cupcake in a year.E. MARKETING PROGRAM / STRATEGIES XIV. Practices of Competitors Direct Competitors Cupcakes by Sonja and Blushing cupcakes are identified independent suppliers of cupcakes in different shops and hotels. They are not that well-known like Lemon Square and Sweet Lorraine Bakeshop whic h sell their cupcakes in shops but they have number of places where they deliver their cupcakes, they also sell it from their manufacturing place in pieces or bulks and wholesale. First is Cupcakes by Sonja, Cupcakes by Sonja 1CO3 G/F Serendra Fort Bonifacio Global City Taguig, Metro Manila 632. 915. 2936 32. 856. 0308 [email protected] com [email protected] com Cupcakes by Sonja is the first bakeshop in manila to specialize exclusively in cupcakes. They supply cupcakes in restaurants like OpenRice Restaurants. Designed to stir nostalgia among visitors. They only sell cupcakes upon request and with minimum of 12 cupcakes per order. In this bakery, the kitchen runs 24/7 to ensure consistent quality. Everything is handcrafted from scratch and made in tiny batches, with nothing less than ingredients as real premium French butter, Madagascar vanilla and Varlhona chocolate.Preservatives are never used because cupcakes are meant to be enjoyed fresh from the oven. There are 20+ optio ns that can be chosen and it could be customized to suit an event. Blushing Cupcakes Club 650 Libis, beside Shopwise (Main Branch) (02) 986-0704 (02) 664-0538 Website: http://blushingcupcakes. multiply. com/ Bracnch: Sky Garden, SM North EDSA (Near Sky Dome) Blushing Cupcakes was established in November 2006 as a home business catering to friends and referrals only. Then named Happy Cupcakes, the business' clientele started to grow as it distributed cupcakes to different offices, schools and bazaars.On November of 2007, just after a year when it started, the business expanded to set up its first branch in Libis, Quezon City. It was renamed to Blushing Cupcakes. Now, more people get to enjoy their cupcakes. They offer cupcakes of different decorations but mainly chocolate and mocha flavor that can be paired to their coffee product but sold separately. Their company sells the cupcakes wholesale and retail. The style of the cupcakes can also be changed depending on the client’s wants, it can be formed from tower to simply a box of cupcake.Aside from cupcakes, they offer Pastas, Sandwiches, Pizza, Floats and coffee in their main branch only. Indirect Competitors Lemon Square Head Office: 91 Sampalok St. Libtong, Meycauayan Bulacan, Philippines Tel. No. : (632) 983-9417 to 19 Fax No. : (632) 984-9142 Lemon Square's owner Dulce had always dreamed of producing the best-tasting and the highest-quality cupcakes in the Philippines, and to make these available to millions of Filipinos at a very reasonable price. She had worked on the vision for Lemon Square in her college thesis in 1980.Lemon Square had its humble beginnings in 1985 when it started to offer local communities a small selection of homemade-style baked goods. Then newly-married Dulce began baking cakes to sell to her friends. Word-of-mouth soon became the primary driving force for her cakes as demand went through the roof. She and her husband Errol soon had to buy more cake-making machines, hire more people, increase production and enhance its variety to keep up with demand and to cater to the preferences of the market.In 1995, Lemon Square had to thoroughly modernize its operations to keep up with the times. It did so by acquiring a state-of-the-art baking system that enhanced its production and efficiency. Fresh Lemon Square products can be found in major supermarkets, groceries, convenience stores, market stalls, institutional canteens sari-sari stores and snack stands in the major cities and provinces of the Philippines. Only the best local and important ingredients are used, processed through advanced, fully-automated bread-making and packaging machines from Europe.Frostings Cupcakes Trinoma Mall 3rd Level Edsa corner North Avenue, Quezon City Mobile no. : 0922-8790357 Shangri-La, Rustans 3rd Floor Children's Division, MandaluyongCity Mobile no. : 0922-8980271 Their stores are charming showcases of the way they put care and love in the preparation of our cupcakes. From the soft colors of the walls, to the eye-catching display of our delectable treats, to the cheerful elegance of packaging, and the efficient attentiveness of staff, they make sure that their stores eloquently embody firm commitment to superior quality and service.Cupcakes can also be a take home, experience it by getting a few boxes of cupcakes to share with your family or to give to your friends as a delicious gourmet gift. To enjoy Frostings Cupcakes the way they're meant to be enjoyed, one should be sure to protect them from direct exposure to sunlight, to store them in room temperature, and to consume them within a week from purchase. Their cupcakes are made fresh daily by bakers who seriously take to heart the essence of the Frostings cupcake. Each day, bakers competently rise up to the challenge of bringing the best quality cupcakes in the freshest condition possible.They spend the day in the kitchen and stay there as long as necessary to ensure that the quality of the cupcakes i s uncompromised. Sweet Lorraine Bakeshop Manila, Philippines www. sweetlorrainebakeshop. com Sweet Lorraine Bakeshop has their signature in their products, the sweetness, tanginess and creaminess of Cream Cheese Frosting and also sweet, creamy made with natural ingredients of their Butter Cream. They have caramel sauce, honeycomb and lemon curd crushed or drizzled into their cupcakes, cookies and butter cream.They would rather refuse an order if they are unable to source fresh ingredients but sometimes, best ingredients cost the most. They make everything from scratch materials. The bakeshop does not specialize in cupcakes but it is on of their offered products like their Classic Miniature cupcakes made with real vanilla beans, topped with smooth vanilla butter cream, Chocolateaholic Cupcakes, deeply sinful dark chocolate cake topped with silky smooth ganache and chocolate sprinkles and Lemon-drenched Loaf. They also have brownies like Fudge Brownies, the fudgiest richest brownies.B utterscotch Cookies are also offered with buttery caramel and ribbons of chewy and crunchy butterscotch, White Chocolate Cookies, sweet, chewy vanilla cookies with chunks of creamy Belgian white chocolate made from pure cocoa butter and sprinkled with sea salt, and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies, highly addictive chewy, buttery cookies made with finest Belgian bittersweet chocolate. This bakeshop is created by Lorraine Nepomuceno. Located in Manila, Philippines and is home-based. Everything is baked fresh upon order without preservatives or stabilizers and from all natural ingredients.To make the products flavorful, they use the best ingredients that are already available for them, this just means the available freshest ingredients. The products are made with the passion on the flavor. XV. Key Success Factors Before opening a bakery there are several important decisions to make. Incorporators should determine how they want to start. They will need to decide how to sell baked goods suc cessfully. The following should be considered: * Making a goal to reach a certain level of profit * Strategic Location * Quality Product * Reliability in delivery Accessibility and Convenience * People skills: Dealing with employees, customers, vendors, etc. * Advertisement Efficiency * Know Competitor’s behavior XVI. Own Marketing Program / Strategies 4. Product Strategy BBS Co. cupcakes are packed and made with essential vitamins and nutrients from fresh Ampalaya or bitter melon, it is also made from vegetable oil which is healthier than ordinary cooking oil. They are also made appetizing and affordable for the market. The packaging that will be used deals with the eco-friendly packaging with the logo of the corporation on it.It would not be an expensive packaging since the product will be supplied and the clients can make use of their own package or plating. The cupcakes will not have its specific name for they will only be mainly supplied and distributed to some businesse s like cafes, tea shops, restaurants, hotels and other small bakeries. Pictures of BBS Co. Ampalaya Cupcakes 5. Pricing Strategy The corporation will make cupcakes to be sold through the manufacturing place and be mainly engaging in direct selling. This means that the cupcakes will be sold in volumes; this will lessen the cost for operations in the company.The packaging is also made plain and low-priced materials but the attractiveness of it will be maintained. BBS Co. is offering price that has very reasonable means for every client without forfeiting the quality of the cupcakes. The lower the operating cost means that this will make the company profit. For the mode of payment, the company will have its business deal to the clients through payment by cash or credit. They can also deposit to the company through BBS Corporation’s bank account. Competitive Pricing among Competitors SIZE| PRICE| Supplier| Single cupcake| Php 54. 00 (Suggested)| BBS.Corp. | | Php60. 00 – 1 00. 00| Cupcakes by Sonja| | Php 65. 00| Blushing cupcakes| 6. Distribution Strategy BBS Co. Ampalaya cupcakes will be distributed to different establishments, especially cafes, tea shops or restaurants within Cubao that sells cupcakes. Direct selling will be implemented to these establishments and it will give advantage for it will lower the supplier’s operating cost and minimize the cost for demand. 7. Promotion Strategy ` a. Sales and Promotion Program Consumer awareness is a special factor to be considered by BBS C. since our product is a new entrant in the industry.We made a plan that will give guarantee to our Corporation that they would reach the projected sales and make it appealing to the market, maintaining the loyalty or the consumers. DATE| SALES AND PROMOTION PLAN| OBJECTIVES| November| Free taste of BBS Co. Ampalaya cupcakes to its target markets. | To promote the cupcakes and get the total number of clients. | December| Start of operation. Discounts for the fir st 10 clients with a least purchase of 50 boxes. | Increase number of clients. | January – March| Free cupcakes for the season for first 10 clients with the least purchase of 50 boxes of cupcakes every week. To make the market aware to our product through printed ads seen by consumers and promotions. | PROMO FOR THE 1st YEAR OF OPERATION| 5% discount for every new clients for their first order. | Gain loyalty and increase number of clients. | WHOLE OPERATION| Credit payment. | Make payment easy for the clients and gain their loyalty. | a. Advertising program Promotion is necessary for a new entrant company to introduce its product to the industry and be appealing to its target market. BBS Co. is implementing business to business selling. We still make ways to let the market familiar about the existence of our company that produces cupcakes. . Public Relations Program INFORMATIONAL: Complete amount information revealed when it is advertised. Before people become interested in BBS Co. cupcakes they will need to know more information. These include information about the product and public awareness. The company will increase number of Public ads like posters and leaflets. The proponents will also make the company’s own website. With more information people can better decide whether or not they want to further their interest. ATTITUDINAL: Getting the name out there and creating awareness is important along with informing potential buyers of the product and services.Information will do nothing without a sort of persuasion. Thus, the company want audiences to walk away with a positive attitude and desire for more information. This will increase curiosity. BEHAVIORAL: To increase audience’s intent to purchase the product, the company will do its specific objectives. An objective to change the behavior of potential buyers is first and for most the intent. After spreading awareness and changing the initial attitudes of audiences, the final goal is to make people want to buy the product and then finally purchase. F. Marketing/ Selling Expenses The table underneath shows the marketing expense of BBS Co. or the first year of its operation. After this year the annual expense will only retain the expense for print ads, cash donations and website, amounting Php70, 500. 00 per year. BBS Co. will have survey and free taste of Ampalaya cupcakes to its projected markets. In the opening of the company, discounts for the first 10 clients with least purchase of 50 boxes will be given. For the next 3 months, there will be free cupcakes for the season for first 10 clients with the least purchase of 50 boxes of cupcakes every week. For the 1st whole year, 5% discount for every new clients for their first order.The schedule below shows when and how much will be the expenses for marketing the product. | Nov| Dec| Jan| Feb| Mar| Apr| May| Jun| Jul| Aug| Sep| Oct| Cost| Leaflets| ? | ? | ? | | ? | | | ? | ? | ? | | | P3,000| Billb oard| ? | | ? | | ? | | ? | | ? | | ? | | P10,000| Posters| ? | | | ? | | | ? | | | ? | | | P7,500| Discounts| ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | P18,000| Website ;Facebook| ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | Free| Free Taste| ? | ? | ? | | | | | | | | | | P3,500| Cash donations| | ? | | | | | | | | | | | P50,000| Free Cupcakes| | ? | ? ? | | | | | | | | | P15,000| Total Cost| P107,000| A. Technical Production Description BBS Corporation is very popular in producing Ampalaya Cupcakes with high quality and consumers can assure that the company’s product have gone through proper process before producing it out to the market. The company will be known to its healthy and delicious cupcake all over the Philippines. For generations, Ampalaya or Bitter Gourd has been part of the traditional herbal medicines and has been attributed to alleviate or cure a wide variety of ailments, and BBS Corporation is found to be more potent.That is why, the team decided to use Ampalaya to be one of our ingredients in making cupcakes and its benefits to capture a large number of consumers. The team added fillings to make the company’s cupcake more nutritious like; Cheese that is very good source of calcium. It is a well-known fact that calcium helps build strong bones and helps fight against osteoporosis. Another filling is the Strawberry Jam, a very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Vitamin C. The Banana Jam which majority of the people knows that it is rich in calories, but very low in fats.It contains good amount of health benefiting anti-oxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Lastly is the Mango Jam which is very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Dietary Fiber and Vitamin B6, and a very good source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. People should know that Ampalaya contains a mixture of flavonoids and alkaloids make the Pancreas produce more insulin that controls the blood sugar in diabetics. Aside from Ampalaya’s medicinal value, it is a good source of vitamins A, B and C, iron, folic acid, phosphorous and calcium.It is also rich in antioxidants that protect the cells of the body from damage of free radicals. In making Ampalaya cupcake, we only use a little amount of sugar and chocolate to slightly eliminate the bitter taste of Ampalaya. The consumers can expect that our product, Ampalaya Cupcake will not only give a simple cupcake that people can eat anytime and anywhere but a cupcake with nutritional value of Ampalaya. B. Production/Operation Process * Preparation of Raw Materials and ingredients * Mixing and Baking of all the Ingredients * Quality Control and Inspection Packaging and Storing * Delivery i. Step by Step Procedure Step 01: Prepare all the ingredients and raw materials needed Step 02: Preheat oven to 350 degrees Step 03: Line cupcake pans with paper liners Step 04: Combine all dry Ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Mix at low speed for 30 seconds, scrapping bowl constantly while mixing. Mix at high speed for 3 minutes, scraping bowl every minute Step 05: Add eggs and mix again until the color changed into dirty white. Add liquid food color if desired.Step 06: Pour batter into cupcake liners until they are 1/2 to 2/3 full and add the fillings. Step 07: Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean Step 08: Cool 10-15 minutes in pans then move to wire rack to cool completely Step 09: Melt the chocolate bar using double broilers, stir it until it melts and add condensed milk Step 10: Add butter in melted chocolate for glossy texture Step 11: Pour the melted chocolate in cupcakes and make designs using mini mallows, rainbow sprinkles, nips or flower (candy)Step 12: Package properly and keep it in a cool temperature. ii. Duration per Step per Batch Duration per Production| Mixing Duration| 15 minutes| Baking Duration| 20 minutes| Packaging Duration| 60 minutes| Checking Durat ion| 15 minutes| Total Number of Production per Bake| 816 pieces| Total Time Duration| 1 hour and 50 minutes| iii. Labor and Machine Requirements per Step Steps in Production| Laborer| Equipment| Step 1: Mixing all the ingredients needed to make Ampalaya Cupcakes. | Mixer| Mixer| Step 2: After mixing all the ingredients, baker will bake it to transform it into a cupcake using oven with necessary time duration. Baker| Oven (accommodates 34 trays)| Step 3: After baking, the packager will place the cupcakes in their respective boxes. | Packager| Cupcake Box (Packaging)| Step 4: Quality Control Inspectorwill check the quality and number of products for producing it out to the market. | Quality Control Inspector| Boxes Checked| Step 5: If the products are already checked, It will be deliver to customers by the delivery boy. | Delivery Boy| BBS Corp. Delivery Truck| C. Production Schedule i. Monthly Schedule Monthly Units Plan for 2013| Ampalaya Cupcake with Fillings|Month| Ampalaya-Banan a Cupcake| Ampalaya- Cheese Cupcake| Ampalaya Mango Cupcake| Ampalaya- Strawberry- Cupcake| Monthly Units| January| 9,389| 9,389| 9,389| 9,389| 37,556| February| 8,958| 8,959| 8,958| 8,959| 35,834| March| 8,445| 8,445| 8,445| 8,445| 33,780| April| 6,506| 6,506| 6,506| 6,506| 26,024| May| 6,008| 6,008| 6,008| 6,008| 24,032| June| 8,702| 8,702| 8,702| 8,702| 34,808| July| 8,445| 8,445| 8,445| 8,445| 33,780| August| 6,505| 6,505| 6,505| 6,505| 26,020| September| 7,164| 7,164| 7,164| 7,164| 28,656| October| 7,163| 7,163| 7,163| 7,163| 28,652| November| 7,696| 7,696| 7,696| 7,696| 30,784|December| 8,641| 8,641| 8,641| 8,641| 34,564| Annual Units| 93,622| 93,623| 93,622| 93,623| 374,490| Annual Packages Plan for 2013| Product| Ampalaya-Banana Cupcake| Ampalaya- Cheese Cupcake| Ampalaya Mango Cupcake| Ampalaya- Strawberry- Cupcake| Annual Units (Box)| Box of 1| 46,822 boxes/ pieces cupcakes| 46,823 boxes/ pieces cupcakes| 46,822 boxes/ pieces cupcakes| 46,823 boxes/ pieces cupcakes| 187,29 0 boxes/pieces cupcakes| Box of 6| 7,800 boxes(46,800 pieces cupcakes)| 7,800 boxes(46,800 pieces cupcakes)| 7,800 boxes(46,800 pieces cupcakes)| 7,800 boxes(46,800 pieces cupcakes)| 31,200 boxes (187,200 pieces upcakes)| Total| 54,622 boxes| 54,623 boxes| 54,622 boxes| 54,623 boxes| 218,490 boxes| D. Labor Requirement Labor Requirement for making and producing Ampalaya cupcakes are the following; Mixer is a person who mixes all the dry and wet ingredients as the first step in making Ampalaya Cupcake. Baker is a person who will taste and bake the cupcakes using oven only after the mixer finish his/her job. He/she will also be responsible for checking the quality of all the ingredients that will be using. Packager is a person who will place the cupcakes in the respective boxes only after the baker done the process of baking.Quality Control Inspector is a person who will count the number of units that the BBS Corporation will produce as well as the quality of the finished products. De livery Boys are the person responsible for delivering the cupcakes with care to all the costumers only after the checker had counted all the units. Security Guards are responsible for keeping the property safe 24/7. Man Powers| Number of Man Power| Mixer| 2| Baker| 2| Packager| 2| Quality Control Inspector| 1| Delivery Boy| 2| Security Guards| 2| TOTAL| 11| E. Machinery/Equipment Requirement EQUIPMENT| DESCRIPTION| QTY| PRICE(PHP)|Exhaust Fan| Capture smoke and draw out stale or impure air from the production area, also used for ventilation. | 1| 5,500| Gas Range| This type of stove combines different ways of fuelling the cooking, for the purpose of different types of cooking. | 1| 10,000| Gas Tank| Large gas tank used for cooking| 2| 5,360| Generator| A device that supplies electricity during power outages. It provides continuous power to use the essential appliances| 1| 55,000| Mixer| A machine that mixes large amount of ingredients at a desired speed| 1| 23,000| Oven| Used for ba king or roasting.It can be heated by electricity, gas, oil and coal. It accommodates 34 trays| 1| 80,000| Transport Cabinet| An enclosed cabinet used to keep food warm, proof dough or transport large amounts of goods from one area to another. It can accommodate 50 trays. | 1| 7. 000| TOTAL| PHP 185,860| DELIVERY EQUIPMENTS EQUIPMENT| DESCRIPTION| QTY| PRICE(PHP)| Push Cart| Use to carry or transfer large amount of orders/boxes| 2| 3,600| Van| Four wheel vehicle use to deliver large amount of orders in a far location| 2| 350,000| TOTAL| PHP 353,600| PRODUCTION SUPPLIES ITEM| DESCRIPTION| QTY| PRICE(PHP)|CUPCAKE MOLDER| Used to mold and hold the amount of product| 50| 24,950| ROUND CUPCAKE MOLD| Use to present and hold the amount of product| 50,000| 25,000| HEART SHAPE CUPCAKE MOLD| Used to present and hold the amount of product during February| 50,000| 25,000| Baking Chopping Board| A durable board used to place the material to be cut| 4| 600| Clean Up Cloth| Use for cleaning and dry ing wet surfaces in the production or office area| 20| 100| Face mask| Worn in the face for protection during working hours| 2(By Box)| 260| Gloves| Used by the employees in the production area for their protection and sanitation during working hours| 2(By Box)| 200| Liquid Dish Soap| Concentrated liquid soap used only for washing the dishes| 3| 180| Liquid Hand Soap| Concentrated liquid soap used to wash hands after human defecation or urination and before working with the production| 3| 200| Measuring Cups (Liquid)| Used primarily to measure the volume of the liquid or solid baking ingredients| 4(by set)| 600| Measuring Cups (Dry)| A dry measuring cup is used for measuring solid cooking ingredient| 4(by set)| 400| Measuring Spoon| A spoon kitchen utensils used to measure the amount of an ingredient, either liquid or solid| 4(By set)| 400| Mixing Bowl| It is a bowl used for mixing ingredients. | 5| 1,750| Oven Gloves| Used o hold the hot tray and also for the employees protection| 10(By Set)| 550| Spatula| A heavy duty rubber spatula is a super b object for scrapping ingredients from the surface of the mixing containers| 5| 1250| Paper Wrap| An Eco-friendly paper used for sealing or covering the food| 1,000(By Roll)| 12,000| Tray| Kind of non sticky material where cupcakes are laid before putting up in the oven| 40| 3,000| Masking Tape| Used to seal the paper wrap to the foil| 1(By box)| 630| Hairnet| Used to hold the hair and to prevent from contaminating the food| 1(By plastic)| 150| TOTAL| | PHP 94,220| SUMMARY OF EXPENSES| PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT| PHP 185,860| DELIVERY EQUIPMENT| PHP 353,600| PRODUCTION SUPPLIES| PHP 94,220| TOTAL| PHP 633,680| F.Raw Materials Requirements All-purpose flour | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/KILO| WHOLE (1260Php/SACK of 50KILOS)| | Day| 27 kilos| PHP 25. 20| PHP 176. 40| | Week| 189 kilos| PHP 25. 20| PHP 4,762. 80| | Month| 810 kilos| PHP 25. 20| PHP 20,412. 00| | Year| 9,558 kilos| PHP 25. 20| PHP 240,861. 60| White Sugar | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/KILO| WHOLE (1850Php/SACK of 50KILOS)| | Day| 9 kilos| PHP 37. 00| PHP 333. 00| | Week| 63 kilos| PHP 37. 00| PHP 2,331. 00| | Month| 270 kilos| PHP 37. 00| PHP 9,990. 00| | Year| 3,186 kilos| PHP 37. 00| PHP 117,882. 00| Baking Soda | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/KILO| WHOLE (966Php/SACK of 50KILOS)| | Day| 1 kilo| PHP 19. 32| PHP 19. 32| Week| 7 kilos| PHP 19. 32| PHP 135. 24| | Month| 30 kilos| PHP 19. 32| PHP 579. 60| | Year| 354 kilos| PHP 19. 32| PHP 6, 839. 28| Baking Powder | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/KILO| WHOLE (960Php/SACK of 50KILOS)| | Day| 1 kilo| PHP 19. 20| PHP 19. 20| | Week| 7 kilos| PHP 19. 20| PHP 134. 40| | Month| 30 kilos| PHP 19. 20| PHP 576. 00| | Year| 354 kilos| PHP 19. 20| PHP 6,796. 80| Chocolate Bar | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/PIECE| WHOLE (30. 00Php/PIECE)| | Day| 12 pieces| PHP 360. 00| PHP 360. 00| | Week| 84 pieces| PHP 360. 00| PHP 2,520. 00| | Month| 360 pieces| PHP 360. 00| PHP 10,800. 00| | Year| 4,248 pieces| PHP 360. 00| PHP 127,440. 00 | Ground Cinnamon PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/KILO| WHOLE (11665Php/SACK of 50KILOS)| | Day| ? kilo| PHP 233. 30| PHP 116. 65| | Week| 3 ? kilos| PHP 233. 30| PHP 408. 28| | Month| 15 kilos| PHP 233. 30| PHP 1,749. 75| | Year| 177 kilos| PHP 233. 30| PHP 20, 647. 05| Vegetable Oil | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/LITRE| WHOLE (1205Php/CONTAINER)| | Day| 1 litre| PHP 70. 88| PHP 70. 88| | Week| 7 litres| PHP 70. 88| PHP 496. 16| | Month| 30 litres| PHP 70. 88| PHP 2,126. 40| | Year| 354 litres| PHP 70. 88| PHP 25,091. 52| Cheese | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/GRAMS| WHOLE (110Php/450g)| | Day| 135 grams| PHP 110. 00| PHP 330. 00| | Week| 945 grams| PHP 110. 00| PHP 2,310. 00| Month| 4,050 grams| PHP 110. 00| PHP 9,900. 00| | Year| 47,790 grams| PHP 110. 00| PHP 116,820. 00| Eggs (Medium Size) | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/TRAY(30 PIECES)| WHOLE (141Php/TRAY30pcs)| | Day| 125 pieces| PHP 141. 00| PHP 587. 50| | Week| 875 pieces| PHP 141. 00| PHP 4,112. 50| | Month| 3,750 pieces| PHP 141. 00| PHP 17,625,0 0| | Year| 44,250 pieces| PHP 141. 00| PHP 207,975. 00| Evaporated Milk | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/ MILILITERS| WHOLE (41Php/300 MILILITERS)| | Day| 900 mL| PHP 41. 00| PHP 123. 00| | Week| 6,300 mL| PHP 41. 00| PHP 861. 00| | Month| 27,000 mL| PHP 41. 00| PHP 3,690. 00| | Year| 318,600 mL| PHP 41. 00| PHP 43,542. 00| Condensed Milk PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/ MILILITERS| WHOLE (46Php/300MILILITERS)| | Day| 300 mL| PHP 46. 00| PHP 46. 00| | Week| 2,100 mL| PHP 46. 00| PHP 322. 00| | Month| 9,000 mL| PHP 46. 00| PHP 1,380. 00| | Year| 106,200 mL| PHP 46. 00| PHP 16,284. 00| Mini Marshmallows | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/PACK| WHOLE (10Php/PACK)| | Day| 2 packs| PHP 10. 00| PHP 20. 00| | Week| 14 packs| PHP 10. 00| PHP 140. 00| | Month| 60 packs| PHP 10. 00| PHP 600. 00| | Year| 708 packs| PHP 10. 00| PHP 3,540. 00| Candy Flower | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/PACK| WHOLE (10Php/PACK)| | Day| 6 packs| PHP 10. 00| PHP 60. 00| | Week| 42 packs| PHP 10. 00| PHP 420. 00| | Month| 180 packs| PHP 10. 00 | PHP 1,800. 00| | Year| 2,124 packs| PHP 10. 0| PHP 21,240. 00| Rainbow Sprinkles | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/PACK| WHOLE (15Php/PACK)| | Day| 2 packs| PHP 15. 00| PHP 30. 00| | Week| 14 packs| PHP 15. 00| PHP 210. 00| | Month| 60 packs| PHP 15. 00| PHP 900. 00| | Year| 708 packs| PHP 15. 00| PHP 10,620. 00| Nips (Chocolate) | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/PACK| WHOLE (20Php/PACK)| | Day| 3 packs| PHP 20. 00| PHP 60. 00| | Week| 21 packs| PHP 20. 00| PHP 420. 00| | Month| 90 packs| PHP 20. 00| PHP 1,800. 00| | Year| 1,062 packs| PHP 20. 00| PHP 21,240. 00| Fresh Ampalaya | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/KILO| WHOLE (469Php/50 KILOS)| | Day| 35 kilos| PHP 9. 38| PHP 328. 30| | Week| 245 kilos| PHP 9. 8| PHP 2,298. 10| | Month| 1,050 kilos| PHP 9. 38| PHP 9,849. 00| | Year| 12,390 kilos| PHP 9. 38| PHP 116,218. 20| Mango Jam | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/PIECES| WHOLE (145Php/200 grams)| | Day| 3 bottles| PHP 145. 00| PHP 435. 00| | Week| 21 bottles| PHP 145. 00| PHP 3,045. 00| | Month| 90 bottles| PHP 145. 00| PHP 13,050. 00| | Year| 1,095 bottles| PHP 145. 00| PHP 158,775. 00| Banana Jam | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/PIECES| WHOLE (120Php/200 grams)| | Day| 3 bottles| PHP 120. 00| PHP 360. 00| | Week| 21 bottles| PHP 120. 00| PHP 2,520. 00| | Month| 90 bottles| PHP 120. 00| PHP 10,800. 00| | Year| 1,095 bottles| PHP 120. 00| PHP 131,400. 00| Strawberry Jam PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/PIECES| WHOLE (100Php/200 grams)| | Day| 3 bottles| PHP 100. 00| PHP 300. 00| | Week| 21 bottles| PHP 100. 00| PHP 2,100. 00| | Month| 90 bottles| PHP 100. 00| PHP 9,000. 00| | Year| 1,095 bottles| PHP 100. 00| PHP 109,500. 00| Single cupcake box (3 ? inches) | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/PIECES| WHOLE (204Php/24 PIECES)| | Day| 1,026 pieces| PHP 8. 50| PHP 8,721. 00| | Week| 7,182| PHP 8. 50| PHP 61,047. 00| | Month| 30,780| PHP 8. 50| PHP 261,630. 00| | Year| 374,490| PHP 8. 50| PHP 3,183,165| Cupcake box of 6 | PERIOD| QUANTITY| PRICE/PIECES| WHOLE (270Php/24 PIECES)| | Day| 1,026 pieces| PHP 11. 25| PHP 11,542. 50| | Week| 7,182| PHP 11. 25| PHP 80,797. 50| Month| 30,780| PHP 11. 25| PHP 346,275. 50| | Year| 374,490| PHP 11. 25| PHP 4,213,012. 5| SUMMARY OF RAW MATERIALS EXPENSES| Total Raw Material Cost Per Day| PHP 24,038. 75| Total Raw Material Cost Per Week| PHP 168,271. 25| Total Raw Material Cost Per Month| PHP 721,162. 50| Total Raw Material Cost Per Year| PHP 8,898,889. 95| G. Plan/Factory Location The Incorporators decided to put up the Manufacturing and office area in the same location. It will be situated at #56, 20th Ave. Murphy Cubao, Quezon City. The company choose Cubao to build their main office due to it is very strategic and accessible to many commercial areas here in Metro Manila.All supplies needed for production is available. H. Plant Layout AREA| WIDTH| LENGTH| 200 square meters| 164,145. 33 Square inches(105. 90 sq. meters)| 145,855. 30 Square Inches(94. 10 sq. meters)| I. Waste Disposal System Proper segregation of waste is very important to avoid any da ngerous bacteria and viruses that may cause bad effect to the company as well as to the product. Garbage disposal in any places inside and outside of the company is very necessary to make duties less demanding. All biodegradable, non-biodegradable and recyclable are separated so that, it can avoid any leakage and bad odor. By doing this, it can also help other people to make money through garbage.It can also be a source of income by selling recyclable waste to any junk shops especially dead batteries, metals, bulbs, plastic bottles, and cans. Kitchen wastes can be used for planting as fertilizer and this shouldn’t be burned because it may add up carbon dioxide emission which is bad for every individuals health as well as to our planet. J. Quality Control System BBS Corporation is very delicate with the quality control of its product as the company’s matter of safety and achieving its goal to satisfy consumers. The team ensure that the BBS Corporation’s product c ame from good quality of ingredients so that customers can assure that the product done its safety and right procedure before externalizing to the market.The company has a quality control inspector who will check the products of BBS Corporation. All the cupcakes must do its proper procedure to maintain its quality. If the cupcake/s does not pass the inspection, all of it will sell in cheapest price for the company at least to recover from all the expenses used. The quality control inspection will cover the texture, color, the packaging, and the appearance of the Ampalaya Cupcake. Cleanliness and Sanitation The primary concern of the company is to maintain cleanliness and sanitation in kitchen, working areas like office, comfort rooms, inside and outside of the company and even the employees must sanitize their hands every 15 minutes of working hours.This is a responsibility of the company to keep the surroundings away from any effects that may cause to company’s product and s ervices. All equipment use to make products is strictly prohibited to leave it without washing and dry cleaning properly after used. Employees should be wearing desired uniform during working hours with disposable gloves and hair covers. Accident Prevention, Crisis Management, and Food Safety To show a tangible love and care to our valued customers as well as to our employees, solutions are ready to prevent any inconvenience to make target number of products. Employees should be always warned or aware about safety precautions.To prevent accidental poisoning that customers may get from our products, the proponents make sure that cleaning detergents and different kinds of anti-insects, viruses, and or bacteria are in different storage or cabinet away from ingredients that used to make cupcakes. Chemicals or film developing products are locked away. Any suspicious gas leaks from the kitchen and office appliances should be always checked. First aid kit should be always ready for any acc idents may occur and there should be reminders for safety checklists posted indoors. For fire and burn prevention, everyone should know where the exit doors located, maps for fire escape plan and routes is posted in company’s wall lane. Fire extinguisher is kept inside the kitchen, garage and near a fireplace.Smoke detectors and CCTV Cameras are installed throughout the company and batteries should be always checked, security guard/s should always roam around. Fireplace chimney is professionally cleaned yearly or 6 months after if necessary. And electrical sockets not in use should be unplugged at all times. For food safety, employees must washed their hands every 15 minutes of working hours and must wear desired uniform like, hairnets, disposable gloves, masks, apron and close shoes. Food poisoning is prevented through safe food storage and preparation, all cabinets must locked properly, dry and wet ingredients separated through food dividers. Hand Washing and Clothing To av oid cross contamination, proper hand sanitizing is done every 15 minutes of working hours.Personal hygiene for employees is very important since they’re in food industry. Their uniforms are always checked by the kitchen head as well as employees condition. Proper attire and grooming of all employees before and after the work is encouraged. Dressing rooms of all employees must maintain cleanliness at all times. K. Production Cost i. Total Production Per Year FOIL CONTAINERS| UNITS PRODUCED| Per Day| 1,026| Per Week| 7,182| Per Month| 30,780| Per Year| 374,490| ii. Production Cost per Unit Ampalaya Cupcake INGREDIENT| WEIGHT/PIECES/QTY. | COST PER DAY (PHP)| All-purpose flour| 27,000 grams| PHP 176. 40| Sugar| 9,000 grams| PHP 333. 00| Baking Soda| 1,000 grams| PHP 19. 32|Baking Powder| 1,000 grams| PHP 19. 20| Chocolate Bar| 12 pieces| PHP 360. 00| Ground Cinnamon| 500 grams| PHP 116. 65| Vegetable Oil| 1000 milliliters| PHP 70. 88| Cheese| 135 grams| PHP 330. 00| Eggs| 125 pi eces| PHP 587. 50| Evaporated milk| 900 milliliters| PHP 123. 00| Condensed Milk| 300 milliliters| PHP 46. 00| Mini marsh mallows| 2 packs| PHP 20. 00| Candy Flower| 6 packs| PHP 60. 00| Rainbow Sprinkles| 2 packs| PHP 30. 00| Nips (chocolate)| 3 packs| PHP 60. 00| Fresh Ampalaya| 35 kilos| PHP 328. 30| Banana Jam| 900 grams| PHP 435. 00| Mango Jam| 900 grams| PHP 360. 00| Strawberry Jam| 900 grams| PHP 300. 00| Single cupcake box| 1,026 pieces| PHP 8,721. 00|Cupcake box of 6| 1,026 pieces | PHP 11,542. 50| TOTAL| | PHP 24,038. 75| PRICING SIZE| COST| SUGGESTED PRICE| Single cupcake box(3 ? inches)| PHP 44. 00| PHP 54. 00| SIZE| COST| SUGGESTED PRICE| Cupcake box of 6| PHP
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Ermogenous V Greek Orthodox Community of Sa Inc. [2002] Essay
1. CITATION. Ermogenous v Greek Orthodox Community of SA Inc. [2002] HCA 8; 209 CLR 95; 76 ALJR 465; 187 ALR 92 (7 March 2002) 2. COURT. HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA FULL COURT GAUDRON, McHUGH, KIRBY, HAYNE and CALLINAN JJ ERMOGENOUS, Spyridon APPELLANT v GREEK ORTHODOX COMMUNITY OF SA INC RESPONDENT 3. BRIEF STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS. [1] The appellant alleged that he had been employed by the respondent since 18 March 1970 but had not received any entitlements to annual leave or long service leave upon termination of his employment in December 1993. The Magistrate from the Industrial Relations Court of South Australia found in favour of the appellant in the first instance but the Supreme Court of South Australia overturned the Industrial Magistrates ruling at the first appeal. It has been re-appealed to the Full Court of the High Court of Australia. 4. PROCEDURAL HISTORY. South Australia Industrial Relations Court [2] The case was first brought to the South Australia Industrial Relations Court and was heard by the Industrial Magistrate. The Magistrate found in favour of the appellant stating that the appellant had been employed under a contract of employment by the respondent for 23 years. [3] The respondent’s statement that there in fact was no contract of employment was rejected on the grounds that the appellant was recruited from America for the purpose of appointment as Archbishop and the role as head of the Australian autocephalous church. He met with â€Å"members of the committee of management of the South Australian Community†and at such a time an agreement was reached that he â€Å"would be paid similarly to the priest†and would be referred to as one of the â€Å"employees†. [4] Further evidence of the existence of legal relations between the parties was the respondent’s actions. The respondent deducted tax from the appellant’s salary, which was then forwarded to the Australian Tax Office (ATO). The respondent also provided evidence in the form of certificates stating the existence of an employer relationship to the appellant, who was the employee. Supreme Court of South Australia [5] The decision of the Industrial Court was appealed to the Supreme Court of South Australia whereupon the case was heard by Doyle CJ and Bleby J. It was proposed that the presence of intention to enter into contractual relations should not be presumed, particularly when considering â€Å"remuneration and maintenance and support of a minister of religion†. [6] The Supreme Court reconsidered the Industrial Magistrates ruling that the parties had entered legal relations and had shown intention to do so. [7] His Honour Doyle CJ stated that â€Å"it is important to bear in mind that the [respondent] is not a church, in which the [appellant] held a clerical office†¦ The [respondent] is a body that fosters Greek culture in South Australia in the broadest sense†. He later went on to say â€Å"[i]n considering the inference to be drawn from the discussions in Adelaide, it is also relevant that the [appellant] was not providing services to the [respondent], but to members of the local Greek Orthodox Church†. 5. GROUNDS FOR APPEAL AND/OR ISSUES TO BE DECIDED. [8] Four issues were raised as the grounds for appeal. The first being whether the Full Court of the Supreme Court of South Australia had erred in any way in their decision that the Magistrate of the Industrial Relations Court of South Australia failed in considering if enforceable contractual relations had actually been entered into by the parties. [9] Secondly, relevant upon a negative decision of the first issue, whether the Supreme Court failed to consider the Industrial Magistrate’s reasons for deciding in regards to the issue of intention to create legal relations. [10] The third issue brought to the attention of the court was whether the Industrial Magistrate erred in his reasoning that enforceable contractual relations had been entered into by the parties on the consideration of the spiritual profession of one, or both, of the parties. [11] The final issue raised in the grounds of appeal was whether the Industrial Magistrate was correct in concluding that the parties h ad indeed entered into a contractual relation, being a contract of employment. 6. SUMMARY OF COURT’S ANALYSIS OF LAW. [12] The Court agreed with the Industrial Magistrate’s rejection of the proposition â€Å"that the relationship of a minister of religion to those who provided for the minister’s necessities of life was, of its nature, incompatible with a contract of employment†. [13] As mentioned in Intention & Privity (2007), â€Å"discerning intention warrants intricate analysis of the facts – intention cannot be presumed purely based on the context or type of the agreement†. Similarly, the court considered the following matters: What was the subject matter of the agreement? What was the status of each party to the formation of the agreement? And, what was the relationship the parties held to each other? [14] The Archbishop was successful in establishing a ‘meeting of the minds’ during the initial talks and negotiations held in Adelaide in 1970 and as a result the Court found in favour of the appellant and that a contract of employment had been en tered into between the parties and further was enforceable by law. 7. PRINCIPLE OF LAW TO BE APPLIED. [15] The principle of law to be applied to the case is ‘intention to create legal relations’ and whether relationships involving the basis of religion would have an effect on the existence of a contractual relationship. [16] Their Honours made note that â€Å"it is said that it may be presumed that there are some â€Å"family arrangements†which are not intended to give rise to legal obligations and it was said in this case that it should not be presumed that there was an intention to create legal relations because it was a matter concerning the engagement of a minister of religion. For our part, we doubt the utility of using the language of presumptions in this context. †¦ Reference to presumptions may serve only to distract attention from that more basic and important proposition.†8. DESCRIPTION OF HOW LAW APPLIED TO THE FACTS. [17] The character of the employment arrangement is continuously evolving, but in this case, their Honours interpreted the respondent’s actions: the respondent arranged to have income tax deducted from the appellant’s salary as well as issuing to the appellant cheques for travel and a variety of other incurred expenses. It was then reasonable to conclude that both parties had in fact entered into contractual relations of an employment nature which is enforceable at law. 9. DECISION. [18] The case was found in favour of the appellant with the first issue raised being decided in the affirmative, leaving the second issue non-existent as it does not arise. The decision of the third issue was negative. The fourth issue was remitted back to the Supreme Court for decision under the Full Court. 10. ORDER MADE BY THE COURT. [19] The appeal was allowed with costs and the issue of â€Å"[whether] the Industrial Magistrate correctly held that the relationship between the parties was regulated by a contract enforceable at law, it was, as he found, a contract characterised as a contract of employment†. Remit the matter to that Court for further hearing and determination conformably with the reasons of this Court. 11. SOCIAL OR CULTURAL CONTEXT. [20] Maria Keyes and Kylie Burns discussed the social context of the case in Contract and the Family: Whether Intention. They claim that â€Å"intention to create a contractually enforceable agreement is regarded as an immovable aspect of modern contract doctrine†. They continued to discuss the case in length, referring to the joint judgement given in the High Court: â€Å"The joint judgment recognised that the presumptions had been elevated to such an extent that they had become difficult, if not impossible, to rebut. Their Honours believed–correctly, in our view–that the presumptions of fact, which should merely signify where the onus of proof falls, had ossified into strict rules of law†. [21] Rogers CJ stated in Banque Brussels Lambert SA v Australian National Industries Ltd (1989) 21 NSWLR 502 that â€Å"[t]he whole thrust of the law today is to attempt to give proper effect to commercial transactions†¦. If the statements are appropriately promi ssory in character, courts should enforce them when they are uttered in the course of business and there is no clear indication that they are not intended to be legally enforceable†. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. (1997) 64 SAIR 622 at 651. [ 2 ]. (1997) 64 SAIR 622 at 651-652. [ 3 ]. [2000] SASC 329; (2000) 77 SASR 523 at 524-525 [4] per Doyle CJ, 575-576 [207] per Bleby J. [ 4 ]. (2000) 77 SASR 523 at 526 [9] [ 5 ]. (2000) 77 SASR 523 at 528 [17] [ 6 ]. [2002] HCA 8 at 56 [ 7 ]. 2007, Intention & Privity, The Future Role of Presumptions, StudentAtLaw [ 8 ]. (2002) 209 CLR 95 [ 9 ]. [2002] HCA 8 at 80 [ 10 ]. [2002] HCA 8 at 53 [ 11 ]. [2002] HCA 8 at 52 [ 12 ]. Keyes, Maria and Burns, Kylie 2002, Contract And The Family: Whether Intention? [ 13 ]. Keyes, Maria and Burns, Kylie 2002, Contract And The Family: Whether Intention? [ 14 ]. Banque Brussels Lambert SA v Australian National Industries Ltd (1989) 21 NSWLR 502, 523 and Keyes, Maria and Burns, Kylie 2002, Contract And The Family: Whether Intention?
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